For the first time since the war started, a feature film is set to be filmed in Ukraine. “The Day I Met Spider-Man,” which tells the story of a war volunteer who finds out she has superpowers, will be filmed in multiple cities in the war-torn region, including Kyiv.
All film production was shut down in the country in February after Russian forces invaded, and since then there have been no film projects, save for a few documentary projects. To create a feature film in such a devastated region seemed impossible, until Ukrainian studio Mamas Productions stepped up to the plate.
The film’s plot focuses on a war volunteer who discovers that she has supernatural powers and uses them to save a boy in Kyiv from Russian forces attempting to kill civilians.
“You may know the story of Peter Parker, who became Spider-Man. You may have heard the story of Bruce Wayne wearing a Batman outfit. We will tell you the story of Katya,” said film co-producer Anton Skrypets.
The fictional story will be shot documentary style, and is starring Ukrainian actors Elithaveta Zaitseva, Olexandr Rudynsky, Olesya Zhurakivska and Kateryna Kysen.
AMO Pictures, a production and distribution company that mostly focuses on content for online platforms, came onto the film as a co-producer which allowed the dream of making a feature film in Ukraine in 2022 a reality.
“As a company in the creative sector, we believe that our nation should portray its problems not only through a documentary prism but also through the experiences and emotions that you can discover thanks to the tools of a feature film,” said Anatoly Dudinsky, AMO Picture’s Chief Operating Officer.
The film is set to be released sometime this fall and hopes to be available across all possible platforms.
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