History: PAWkids founder LaTonya Gates wanted to improve the lives of children and families living in the Grove Park area. She harnessed the help of her adoptive parents, friends and local organizations to start the nonprofit in 2014.
Did you know: PAWkids is a free after-school enrichment center. The organization provides computer access for children ages 5-13 years old, feeds more than 2,000 people a week, including meal deliveries to seniors, offers GED classes and physical and behavioral health care, and gives out hygiene products. PAWkids food pantry gives food to other local nonprofits.
Its motto: At PAWkids, they firmly believe, “This hope is our story.”
How you can help: Financial donations are always welcome and can help PAWkids keep six residents employed, contribute to 400 snack bags given to middle school students, and keep food and hygiene products available to individuals and families in need. Follow, like, and share the organization’s growing efforts on social media.
To learn more: Visit pawkids.org or email pawenrichmentprogram@yahoo.com.
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