
Former San Francisco 49ers star Colin Kaepernick, who sparked NFL players' recent protests during the national anthem against racial injustice, received Sports Illustrated's Muhammad Ali Legacy Award from a special surprise presenter – Beyoncé.

"Colin took action with no fear of consequence or repercussion, only hope to change the world for the better, to change perception, to change the way we treat each other – especially people of color," she said Tuesday night at SI's Sportsperson of the Year ceremony.

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"I accept this award not for myself, but on behalf of the people because if it were not for my love of the people, I would not have protested," Kaepernick said after an introduction by "Daily Show" host Trevor Noah. "And if it was not for the support from the people, I would not be on this stage today. With our without the NFL's platform, I will continue to work for the people because my platform is the people."

The ceremony airs at 8 p.m. Friday on NBC Sports Network.

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