One of the earliest images in the fascinating film “Protektor” is of a furiously bicycling blonde. It turns out she’s not really bicycling; she’s on a movie set. And she’s not really a blonde. She’s Hana, a brunette Jewish actress with the singular misfortune of living in German-occupied Czechoslovakia.
Her career is pretty much over, but to keep her life from going the same way, her husband becomes a tool of Nazi propaganda through his role as a radio personality.
The story is resonant and intriguing -- especially when Hana dons her blond wig and goes out on the town, relishing her “secret” identity. But the look of the film is its most memorable aspect. Striking and stylized, it echoes the nightmare its characters are living.
9:10 pm. Saturday, Lefont Sandy Springs, 5920Roswell Road. 404-806-9913. www.ajff.org .
Eleanor Ringel Cater, For the AJC
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