Maia Campbell has responded to LL Cool J’s offer to help the actress through her alleged drug use and mental illness struggle.
Video footage of Campbell pumping gas and asking for crack in the Atlanta area over the weekend went viral and drew widespread concern about the actress, who starred in the UPN sitcom "In the House."
Monday night, a video circulated of Campbell, 40, telling LL Cool J, real name Todd Smith, that she didn’t need help. She also shares that she is a real estate investor.
“Hey Todd , look bro,” she said in the video smiling and partially covering her mouth. “I love you. I don’t need help. I just need a benefit concert for mental health. Don’t TMZ me. This is really me.”
When the man filming Campbell asks how LL can reach her, Campbell slyly says: “Don’t call me. I’ll call you.”
She eventually tells the man behind the camera that her former co-star should pray for her and call her mom’s number. Campbell’s mother, author and poet Bebe Moore Campbell, died in 2006.
Just as the original video sparked worry and sympathy for the actress, who has had a very public battle with bipolar disorder and drugs, her response video confirmed for many Campbell’s need for assistance.
ihellokittypinkI really want her to accept LL Cool J's help & get right wit her life she is still a young women that needs to carry on wit her life & not found dead over this crack (expletive) !! 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿😪
jjthebest94Even if she say she don't need help, she clearly does. She's on drugs and seems to mentally ill so you can take her word and run with it.
islandgirldesiThis is so hard to watch. Doesn't even look like her 😔💔
On Sunday, LL Cool J reached out to fans on Instagram with a heartfelt plea for their help locating his troubled former “In the House” co-star.
The rapper and actor made the plea Sunday after video surfaced online of Campbell, scantily dressed and telling a man on camera "I want crack." The video, which contains graphic language, was reportedly taken at a Stone Mountain gas station while Campbell, who has had a very public battle with substance abuse and mental illness, was pumping gas. The footage posted by online gossip site Straight from the A has been viewed more than 814,000.
After Campbell’s response video, LL Cool J responded with a brief tweet “ you can’t help someone who doesn’t want your help.”
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