Middle school students in metro Atlanta often argue school dress codes are unfair and arbitrary. The federal government agrees.

A 60-page report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office concludes dress codes “may make the school environment less equitable and safe for students” and estimates 60% “have rules involving measuring students’ bodies and clothing, which may involve adults touching students.” That leaves students, especially girls, feeling less safe at school, according to the findings.

“Middle school is a tender age, and students need as much support as we can give them and not as much criticism as they get,” said Jennifer Diaz, president-elect of the Georgia School Counselor Association and a Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision. “They are trying to figure out who they are, where they belong and who is going to accept them. They have to have freedom of expression within reason — as long as it is not something that is unsafe.”

Federal researchers analyzed dress codes at 236 public school districts and looked at media reports of enforcement issues across the country. The GAO said dress codes contain rules with subjective language and broad bans on clothing that is “revealing” or “immodest.”

Nearly all K-12 public school districts nationwide maintain policies on student dress, according to the GAO. About 90% prohibit clothing items associated with girls, compared to 69% that outlaw items typically associated with boys.

Among the troubling incidents cited in the report:

• A high school girl was told to “move around” for the school dean to determine if her nipples were visible through her shirt. The student was then instructed to put bandages on her chest.

• School staff drew on a Black boy’s head in permanent marker to cover shaved designs in his hair.

• A female transgender student was told not to return to school until she was following the school’s dress code guidelines for males.

• Middle school girls were gathered at an assembly on the dress code and told they should not report inappropriate touching if they were not following the dress code.

• Two Asian American and Pacific Islander students were banned from wearing leis and sarongs —cultural symbols of celebration and pride — to their high school graduation.

Most dress code conflicts erupt in middle school. Earlier this year, Howard Middle School in Atlanta faced a parent and student revolt when girls were lined up in the hallways to inspect the length of their shorts. The GAO report affirms that dress codes speak largely to female attire, including skirts, tank tops and leggings. Many dress codes limit hair, hairstyles, and head coverings, which often infringe on students of color.

Dress codes that overstep — including those that regulate student hairstyle and length — are bound to rankle middle schoolers, said Diaz. “They have a strong sense of what’s fair and what’s not fair, and they are more willing to speak up. I think they have learned more about advocacy and advocating for what they need.”

American School Counselor Association National School Counselor of the Year Finalist for 2022 Teshia Stovall Dula said, “The struggle is with inconsistency in the message delivery — from the adults. If all staff enforces a dress code, it can be clear to students. The administrator should explain the dress code during the first week of school so students realize they are not being singled out. If they violate a dress code, they should not be embarrassed but spoken to privately.”

A middle school counselor in metro Atlanta, Dula treats dress codes as a life lesson with her students about the world of college and careers. “This is a chance to share relevant information about the world of work. Students must know they can still be an individual working at Chick-fil-A after school in khaki pants and a button-down shirt,” she said. “Schools should teach the why behind the dress code, and staff should enforce a simple, appropriate, and easy-to-follow dress code.”

Research analyses of dress codes over the last several years have found implicit bias and sexist, racist, classist and homophobic language, said Erin Mason, an assistant professor for school counseling at the College of Education & Human Development at Georgia State University.

“What is really missed in these situations, especially at the middle school level, is the opportunity for discussions about the stereotypes that can come with dress codes,” said Mason, who worked for 13 years as a Georgia middle school counselor. “What would be better for schools is to develop climate and culture expectations for their students around respect for identity and respect of individuality and personal space. Instead of the rules being all about what not to do, make it about what to do.”

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Peachtree Center in downtown Atlanta is seen returning to business Wednesday morning, June 12, 2024 after a shooting on Tuesday afternoon left the suspect and three other people injured. (John Spink/AJC)

Credit: John Spink