When you're looking to make more money at work, an annual raise probably won't do too much to make your life easier. You'll probably need a promotion if you want to earn enough of a wage increase to have a noticeable impact on your budget.
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If you're angling for a promotion, you'll naturally want to make the best impression possible on the higher-ups at your company. But without realizing it, you could be sabotaging your chances of scoring a new job.
Check out these five things that may be costing you the raise and promotion you want:
1. Working too hard
Ironically, working too hard can work against you in some cases. Glassdoor says you can do this in three different ways:
- Downplaying your achievements: Thinking your job is easier than it is can cause a tendency to devalue your achievements.
- Overwork: Becoming burned out from hard work compromises your health and well-being.
- Busy work: You're more consumed with accomplishing small tasks than with keeping your focus on long-term goals that are essential to upward trajectory.
Instead, Glassdoor recommends keeping a gratitude journal of what you've accomplished each day, taking time out to relax and making sure your hard work is properly focused on what's important.
2. Complaining
Every job has its share of things you can legitimately gripe about, from unrealistic deadlines to surly customers. But if you become a nag and complain a lot, you won't get what you want, according to Career Attraction. You don't have to plaster a fake smile on your face every day, but you do need to be positive and professional. When you're tempted to grump about something job-related, keep it to yourself.
3. Setting your sights on the wrong job
More pay, better perks and a better title? A promotion sounds like a good idea, but it needs to be the right promotion. Inc. magazine reports that you can get lost in thoughts of extra money and frills, and fail to take into account what you'd actually be doing on a day-to-day basis. Make sure the promotion you're aiming for corresponds with what you'd enjoy or excel at. Even if you're not aware that you're trying for the wrong job, management will know it.
4. Choosing popularity over respect
While you shouldn't be the office grump or know-it-all, you also shouldn't avoid taking a meaningful stance in order to be Mr. or Ms. Popular with everyone. Doing so only holds you back, according to DailyWorth. If you have strong opinions and ideas while still being able to work through conflicts, you'll earn respect, which can only help your career advancement.
5. Being a clock-puncher
You don't need to chain yourself to your desk, but being overly meticulous about the hours you work can send the wrong message. If management sees you leaving work every day on the dot, you're sending the message that you don't care about the work you're doing, Inc. says. Millennials, who value their free time, can be guilty of this, but so can anyone. Show managers you're interested in and focused on your work by staying just a few minutes late once or twice a week to get an extra task done.
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