Alton Brown’s “Cutthroat Kitchen” is officially over

New episodes aired on Food Network from 2013 to 2017
Alton Brown was host of "Cutthroat Kitchen" for 189 episodes from 2013 to 2017 on the Food Network.

Credit: Jeremiah Alley

Credit: Jeremiah Alley

Alton Brown was host of "Cutthroat Kitchen" for 189 episodes from 2013 to 2017 on the Food Network.

Posted originally on Sunday, July 8, 2018 by RODNEY HO/ on his AJC Radio & TV Talk blog

Cobb County resident and food guru Alton Brown said Food Network's "Cutthroat Kitchen" is officially over.

He responded to a fan asking about it on Twitter Sunday night.

“ ‘Cutthroat Kitchen’ got cancelled,” Brown responded. “Sorry. #ProbablyMyFault” (In classically Brown fashion, he likes to use Post It Notes instead of typing in his responses.)

The quirky game show featured contestants bidding on all sorts of cooking obstacles that would hinder their opponents. Brown might have you use super small utensils or enable you to steal someone else’s ingredients. But the more you spend, the less money you’ll pocket at the end.

It aired from 2013 to 2017 for nearly 190 episodes over 15 seasons.

Brown in the fall of 2016 said he was taking a hiatus from producing episodes to work on other projects.

The last new episode aired July 19 of 2017.

He continues to host Food Network's "Iron Chef America." Last year, he also has promised a revival of his cult classic show "Good Eats" but no details have come out since that announcement.