This was posted on September 30, 2013 by RODNEY HO/ on his AJC Radio & TV Talk blog

Over 15 years on three different stations in Atlanta, the Regular Guys have always included Larry Wachs and Eric Von Haessler.

As of today, Von Haessler is out. He posted this Facebook message at about 1:20 p.m. today:

At about 10:05 this morning I was "officially relieved" of my on-air duties. In plain English that means I'm no longer a Regular Guy. The last 15 years in Atlanta have been quite a ride. And the years in Los Angeles before that were even crazier. Through it all there have been great, great fans of the show and it's been a pleasure to be a part of that community. Strangely, I don't feel bitter or angry. Obviously, Cumulus and the other members of the show felt my presence was holding them back and keeping from being able to grow. I disagree with that assessment but wish them the best of luck. Go Bills!

"It's an end of an era," he added. "They'll go on without me. It's kind of strange."

A fan @GHShelton wrote: "You just lost a lot of listeners. I know it was a corporate decision, but EVH was a major part of the show."

Wachs responded: "Our goal is to win you back by just doing a better show with some new and old faces. Peteetong!"

GHShelton: "no problem with you Larry. Still like you and SSS. You survived 96 Rock and you'll survive this. Good luck."

Wachs: "We are all invested in making the show better which needed to happen whether Eric stayed or not."

To another fan, he  wrote: "There really is no ideal time to unemploy someone. It sucks. We heal."

To another: "All we can do is adapt to the reality."