Internal poll suggests reason for Abrams’ optimism

<p>Republican Brian Kemp and Democrat Stacey Abrams are running to become Georgia&rsquo;s next governor. The election is set for Nov. 6. (Photo: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)</p>

Credit: Photo: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Credit: Photo: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

<p>Republican Brian Kemp and Democrat Stacey Abrams are running to become Georgia&rsquo;s next governor. The election is set for Nov. 6. (Photo: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)</p>

An internal poll released by Democrat Stacey Abrams on Sunday suggests why her campaign is so bullish headed into the final six weeks of the gubernatorial contest.

A Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group survey of more than 600 likely Georgia voters shows the race against Republican Brian Kemp is neck-and-neck. The poll, which was funded by the Abrams campaign, has the Democrat narrowly leading Kemp within the 4-point margin of error.

And like the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's poll earlier this month, the survey estimates the rivals are fighting over a small sliver of the electorate, with only 7 percent of voters still undecided.

Poll conducted by the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs, for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Like any internal poll, the results should be taken with a grain of salt.

The Abrams survey was made public to show how the Democrat has strengthened her position in the lead-up to early voting and narrowed the gender gap among men. (Her camp did not release crosstabs showing those details.)

The AJC’s survey, which quizzed a slightly higher percentage of Republican voters than Abrams’, showed that while women heavily supported Abrams over Kemp, 49 percent to 38 percent, men preferred the Republican by a 14-point margin.

“Today’s news just confirms what we hear in our conversations with voters every day: Georgians are hungry for concrete solutions on jobs, education, and health care - not the kind of fear-mongering attacks that Brian Kemp specializes in,” said Lauren Groh-Wargo, Abrams’ campaign manager.

The new poll came hours after your Insiders reported that Vice President Mike Pence was planning an October 11 trip to Georgia to campaign for Kemp. His predecessor Joe Biden is slated to visit Atlanta on Thursday to bolster Abrams.

More details from Abrams poll are available here.