Georgia attorney tapped to be U.S. ambassador made millions at firm

Randy Evans, left, with ethics watchdog George Anderson in 2012. PHIL SKINNER / PSKINNER@AJC.COM

Credit: Tamar Hallerman

Credit: Tamar Hallerman

Randy Evans, left, with ethics watchdog George Anderson in 2012. PHIL SKINNER / PSKINNER@AJC.COM

WASHINGTON -- The veteran Georgia attorney President Donald Trump tapped to be ambassador to Luxembourg is worth up to $18 million, according to financial disclosures filed with the federal government.

Randy Evans, a well-connected GOP lawyer and prominent Republican National Committee member, also logged more than $3 million in recent income from his partnership at the mega lawfirm Denton's, according to the forms, including a $2.8 million salary and $139,000 bonus.

The Daily Report, the legal publication that first reported about the disclosures, said the income was from an 18-month period between January 2016 and June 2017, but that timeframe was not clear based on the federal paperwork viewed by Insider.

Evans, who counts Gov. Nathan Deal and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as clients, claimed between $6.8 million and nearly $18 million in assets and investments, including retirement accounts. He also disclosed board positions he held with Gingrich Productions, the ex-Georgia congressman's production company, and Lubbers Agency, a TV talent company owned by Gingrich's daughter.

Among his clients at Denton's, Evans listed Darrell Issa, R-Calif., Capitol Hill's wealthiest congressman, who unsuccessfully sued a political challenger for defamation. He also represented former Fox News co-president Bill Shine, the longtime Roger Ailes deputy who was quickly ousted as the network faced a spate of lawsuits. 

Evans promised in his ethics forms to resign from his positions at Denton's, Lubbers and Gingrich Productions -- the former has an office in Luxembourg -- and to forgo any severance payments.

In an accompanying letter to an ethics official at the State Department, Evans said he would "not participate personally and substantially in any particular matter in which I know that I have a financial interest directly and predictably affected by the matter" unless he first gets a waiver.

Trump officially nominated Evans last month for the position in the western European nation known for its medieval castles and wineries. Officials at the federal Office of Government Ethics signed off on his ethics agreement last week.

Evans must be confirmed by the Senate before he can be sworn in. A hearing date has yet to be set.