The Georgia Department of Transportation recently updated some of its highway safety messages, using slogans submitted by state residents. The results were snappy and sometimes amusing – like "driving half lit is not very bright." There was even some dark humor – "if you don't wear a seat belt, please be an organ donor."
It was a fun exercise. So we asked Atlanta Journal-Constitution readers what safety messages they’d like to see on Georgia highways. We received numerous responses, some with multiple messages.
It’s fair to say many readers were in a mood to rant about the highway behaviors that irritate them the most. Here are some of the submissions:
*Drive like a pro and take it slow.
*If there’s a car behind you, move right … now.
*Rihanna says, ‘Shut Up and Drive.’
*Holding your phone is not allowed. But use your turn signals to tell other drivers your plans.
*If you hear the word snow, call your broker and buy Kroger stock ASAP.
*Pay attention to the road. Someone got their license out of a cracker jack box today.
*Left lane rule: Go as fast as the car in front of you or get out of the way.
*Road rage is bad for your health – keep your cool and don’t act like a fool.
*Let the person behind you know your next move ... use your car signals.
*Welcome to Atlanta – we cover our potholes with metal plates.
*PDYD (Put Down Your Device)
*If you can’t read this sign, you’re probably drunk driving.”
*It’s getting dark – turn headlights on!
*I don't see the need for new signs. How about MANY, MANY more signs that say "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" and "KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS." And then ENFORCE the slow poke law. ENFORCE the cell phone law. For the love of God please!
We’re pretty sure you won’t see most of these on a highway message board any time soon. But we hope you feel better for having gotten these off your chest.
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