Editor’s note: This list has been updated as of 6:07 p.m. on April 23. Most metro Atlanta municipalities have banned in-person dining, while takeout alcohol sales have now been approved in the City of Atlanta. Please note that every restaurant’s situation is different and with the rapidly evolving landscape due to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to check restaurants’ social media pages and/or call ahead to confirm their service status. For updates or corrections, please email henri.hollis@ajc.com.

The restaurant industry is likely to be one of the hardest-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and, absent a clear government directive to shut down dining rooms, individual restaurants are responding in different ways.

Though the CDC recommends that commercial establishments use online transactions where possible and stagger customer flow, many Atlanta-area restaurants are keeping their dining rooms open for now. A few have made the difficult decision to temporarily close in the interest of public health, while other restaurants have modified their hours, added delivery and curbside pickup, or changed their take-out policies.

» COMPLETE COVERAGE: Coronavirus in Georgia

Anyone hoping to support their favorite local restaurants are encouraged to purchase gift cards, and some restaurants are offering temporary discounts.

Those concerned about the hourly workers who are the most likely to go without a paycheck as restaurants see reduced traffic can donate to causes like the Restaurant Workers' COVID-9 Relief Fund or the Giving Kitchen.

Temporarily Closed

5Church Atlanta, 1197 Peachtree St NE #528, Atlanta. 404-400-3669, 5churchatlanta.com.

10 Degrees South, 4183 Roswell Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-705-8870, 10degreessouth.com.

101 Steak, 3621 Vinings Slope SE, Atlanta. 770-805-8855, 101steakatl.com.

AIX, 956 Brady Ave NW, Atlanta. 770-838-3501, aixatl.com.

American Cut Steakhouse Buckhead, 3035 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta. 770-415-9766, americancutsteakhouse.com/buckheadatl.

Atlas, 88 West Paces Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-600-6471, atlasrestaurant.com.

Aviva by Kameel, 225 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta. 404-698-3600, avivabykameel.com.

Aziza, 1170 Howel Mill Rd., Atlanta. 404-968-9437, aziza-restaurant.com.

Bacchanalia, 1460 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd., Atlanta. 404-365-0410, starprovisions.com/bacchanalia.

Barleygarden Kitchen & Craft Bar, 900 Avalon Blvd, Alpharetta. 678-266-6218, barleygardenkitchen.com.

Bella Cucina, 262 Buckhead Ave NE, Atlanta. 678-539-8400, bellacucina.com.

Bellina Alimentari, Ponce City Market, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #131. 404-330-9933, bellina-alimentari.com.

The Big Ketch, Two locations: Buckhead and Roswell. thebigketch.com.

Biltong Bar, Two locations: Ponce City Market and the Shops at Buckhead. biltong-bar.com.

Botiwalla, Two locations: Ponce City Market and Alpharetta. botiwalla.com.

Boxcar at Hop City West End, 1000 White St SW, Atlanta. 470-788-8171, boxcaratl.com.

Bread & Butterfly, 290 Elizabeth St NE F, Atlanta. 678-515-4536, bread-and-butterfly.com.

Buena Vida Tapas & Sol, 385 N. Angier Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-948-2312, buenavidatapas.com.

Bully Boy, 828 Ralph McGill Blvd NE, Atlanta. 678-904-5607, bullyboyatl.com.

Butter & Cream. Two Locations in Decatur and Atlanta, butterandcream.com.

By George, 127 Peachtree St, Atlanta. 470-851-2752, curiocollection3.hilton.com.

C&S Seafood & Oyster Bar, Two locations: Vinings and Roswell. candsoysterbar.com.

Cardinal, 1039 Grant St SE, Atlanta. 470-419-5839, thirdstreetgoods.com.

Chai Pani, 406 W Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur. 404-378-4030, chaipanidecatur.com.

Chicago's Steak and Seafood, 4401 Shallowford Rd, Roswell. 770-993-7464, steakhouseroswell.com.

The Consulate, 10 10th St NW, Atlanta. 404-254-5760, theconsulateatlanta.com.

Cremalosa, 2657 E College Ave Suite B3, Decatur. 404-578-2739, cremalosa.com.

Dancing Goats, 650 North Avenue NE, Atlanta. 404-874-0370, batdorfcoffee.com.

The Deer and The Dove, 155 Sycamore St, Decatur. 404-748-4617, deerdove.com.

Donetto, 976 Brady Ave NW., Atlanta. 404-445-6867, donettoatlanta.com.

Drift Fish House & Oyster Bar, 4475 Roswell Rd., Marietta. 770-635-7641, driftoysterbar.com.

Eclipse di Luna, Two Locations: Buckhead and Dunwoody. eclipsediluna.net.

El Super Pan, Two locations: the Battery and Ponce City Market. elsuperpan.com.

Empire State South, 999 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta. 404-541-1105, empirestatesouth.com.

Fado Irish Pub, Two locations: Buckhead and Midtown. fadoirishpub.com.

Falafel Nation, 1170 Howell Mill Rd., Atlanta. 470-355-9951, aziza-restaurant.com/falafel-nation.

Feedel Bistro, 3125 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-963-2905, feedelbistro.com.

First Watch, Multiple locations. firstwatch.com.

Floataway Cafe, 1123 Zonolite Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-892-1414, starprovisions.com/floataway-cafe.

Golden Eagle, 904 Memorial Dr SE, Atlanta. 404-963-1703, goldeneagleatl.com.

Hell Yeah Gluten Free, 900 DeKalb Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-458-5131, hellyeahglutenfree.com.

Home grown GA Restaurant, 968 Memorial Dr SE, Atlanta. 404-222-0455, homegrownga.com.

Hugo's Oyster Bar, 10360 Alpharetta St, Roswell. 770-993-5922, hugosoysterbar.com.

Ladybird Grove & Mess Hall, 684 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-458-6838, ladybirdatlanta.com.

Lapeer Seafood Market, 12 N Broad St, Alpharetta. 678-691-9400, lapeerseafoodmarket.com.

Little Star Provisions, 1198 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-365-0410, starprovisions.com.

Miller Union, 999 Brady Ave NW, Atlanta. 678-733-8550, millerunion.com.

Muchacho, 904 Memorial Dr SE, Atlanta. 404-748-9254, muchachoatl.com.

Nakato Japanese Restaurant, 1776 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-873-6582, nakatorestaurant.com.

Peachy Corners Cafe, 6365 Spalding Dr., Peachtree Corners. 678-691-0547, peachycornerscafe.com.

Le Petit Marche, 1986 Hosea L Williams Dr NE, Atlanta. 404-371-9888, lepetitmarche.net.

Pho Ga Tony Tony, 5495 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross. 678-691-0503, phogatonytony.com.

Ponce City Market, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-900-7900, poncecitymarket.com.

PARISH, 240 N. Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-681-4434, parishatl.com.

Ray's Restaurants. Multiple locations. raysrestaurants.com.

Redbird, 1198 Howell Mill Rd., Atlanta. 404-900-5172, redbirdatl.com.

Rina, 699 Ponce De Leon Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-343-0362, rinakitchen.com.

Rise-n-Dine, 1565 N Decatur Rd., Atlanta. 404-377-4407,

Seed Kitchen & Bar and Stem Wine Bar, 1311 Johnson Ferry Rd., Marietta. 678-214-6888, eatatseed.com.

Seven Lamps, 3400 Around Lenox Rd., Atlanta. 404-467-8950, sevenlampsatl.com.

SluttyVegan ATL, 1542 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd SW, Atlanta. 678-732-3525, sluttyveganatl.com.

Southern Art and Bourbon Bar, 3315 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-946-9070, southernart.com.

Spring Restaurant, 36 Mill St, Marietta. 678-540-2777, springmarietta.comNote: Spring is selling gift cards discounted 10%, and 100% of proceeds will go to employees.

Staplehouse, 541 Edgewood Ave. SE, Atlanta. 404-524-5005, staplehouse.com.

Star Provisions Market & Cafe, 1460 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW, Atlanta. 404-365-0410, starprovisions.com.

Sukoshi Atlanta, 1201 Peachtree St NE Suite 140, Atlanta. 404-400-1160, sukoshi.com.

Taqueria del Sol, Multiple locations. taqueriadelsol.com.

Ted's Montana Grill, Multiple locations, tedsmontanagrill.com.

Tocayo, 6330 Halcyon Way Suite 740, Alpharetta. 770-558-4261, tocayoatl.com.

Upbeet, 1071 Howell Mill Rd. NW, Atlanta. 404-347-1071, upbeet.com.

The Varsity, 61 N Ave NW, Atlanta. 404-881-1706, thevarsity.com.

W. H. Stiles Fish Camp, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta. 678-235-3929, starprovisions.com/whstilesfish-camp.

Wood's Chapel BBQ, 85 Georgia Ave SE, Atlanta. 404-522-3000, woodschapelbbq.com.

Yebo Beach Haus, 111 West Paces Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-869-1992, yebobeachhaus.com.

Zunzi's, 1971 Howell Mill Rd, Atlanta. 470-698-2351, zunzis.com.

Brewed to Serve Restaurant Group will temporarily close all of its restaurants, including Bold Monk Brewing Co., Max Lager's Wood-Fired Grill and Brewery, White Oak Kitchen & Cocktails and Richards' Southern Fried. brewedtoserve.com.

Fellini's has temporarily closed all of its locations and those of its sister restaurant chain, La Fonda Latina. fellinisatlanta.com.

Fifth Group has reopened several restaurants for takeout, including Ecco Midtown, La Tavola, the Original El Taco and two South City Kitchen locations (Midtown and Vinings). Several of the group's restaurants remain closed, including Alma Cocina, Ecco Buckhead, Lure and two South City Kitchen locations (Buckhead and Avalon). fifthgroup.com.

Hopkins & Co. will temporarily close all of its restaurants, including Holeman + Finch Public House, H+F Burger, Hop's Chicken and C. Ellet's. H+F Bottle Shop will remain open. hopkins-co.com.

Legacy Ventures has temporarily closed all of its restaurants except for Max's Coal Oven Pizzeria, which is open for takeout and listed below. The group's closed properties in Atlanta include STATS Brewpub, Dos Bocas, Glenn's Kitchen, Twin Smokers BBQ, Der Biergarten, Ventanas, Game-X, Sky Lounge, the Drafting Table Cocktails & Kitchen and the Cloakroom Kitchen & Bar. lvmgt.com.

Painted Hospitality will temporarily close both the Painted Pin and the Pained Duck with plans to reopen on April 1. paintedpin.com.

Red Beard Restaurants will temporarily close all of its restaurants, including Gunshow, Revival, Ole Reliable and Cold Beer, with plans to offer family-style meals for pickup in the future.

Red Beard Restaurants, 120 N Candler Street, Suite 7. 706-510-0042, redbeardrestaurants.com.

Rocket Farm Restaurants has reopened several of its restaurants for takeout, including Little Rey, No. 246 and three Superica locations (Krog Street, Buckhead and Avalon). The group's other restaurants remain closed, including Marcel, Beetlecat, St. Cecilia, King + Duke, the Optimist, JCT Kitchen & Bar and Superica's Battery location. rocketfarmrestaurants.com.

Modified Hours, Delivery Service, Curbside Pickup

8ARM is switching to takeout-only with curbside pickup starting at 4 p.m. today. The restaurant's new takeout hours will be Tuesday-Saturday, 12-8 p.m. moving forward.

8ARM, 710 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta. 470-875-5856, 8armatl.com.

A Mano is offering takeout with curbside pickup available.

A Mano, 587 Ralph McGill Blvd NE, Atlanta. 404-549-7727, amanoatl.com.

Alon's Bakery & Market is open at both locations for limited hours: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in Dunwoody and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. in Morningside. Alon's is also selling baked goods and prepared foods for takeout, which can be ordered on the markets' website for for delivery via UberEats.

Alon’s Bakery & Market, Two locations: Dunwoody and Morningside. alons.com

Amalfi Pizza is offering takeout with curbside pickup for a limited menu that includes wine.

Amalfi Pizza, 17 Andrew Young International Blvd NE, Atlanta. 404-228-7528, amalfipizzaatl.com.

Antica Posta is open for takeout daily from 4-9 p.m. offering its full menu and daily specials.

Antica Posta Restaurant, 519 East Paces Ferry Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-262-7112, anticaposta.com.

Antico Pizza Napoletana at the Battery is accepting call-in orders for takeout with pickup available at the patio bar.

Antico Pizza Battery Park, 2605 Circle 75 Pkwy, Atlanta. 678-890-2222, littleitalia.com.

Apron at the Kimpton Overland hotel has closed its dining room and is offering takeout with curbside pickup during modified hours, 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. for lunch and 5-10 p.m. for dinner.

Apron, 2 Porsche Dr, Atlanta. 470-466-3330, apronrestaurantatlanta.com.

Applebee's is offering takeout with curbside pickup and alcohol sales where local laws alllow.

Applebee’s, multiple locations. applebees.com.

Aria is also offering its full menu available for takeout, including curbside pickup, with a 10% discount on takeout orders.

Aria, 490 East Paces Ferry Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-233-7673, aria-atl.com.

Arnette's Chop Shop will offer a four-course takeout menu for $60 per person or $220 for a family of four.

Arnette's Chop Shop, 2700 Apple Valley Rd. NE, Brookhaven. 404-969-0701, arnetteschopshop.com.

Atkins Park is offering 10% off all takeout orders with curbside pickup as well as 10% off of gift card purchases.

Atkins Park Restaurant & Bar, 794 N. Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-876-7249, atkinspark.com.

Atlanta Brewing Co. will offer to-go only beer sales under new hours, Monday-Saturday from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Sunday from 12:30-7 p.m.

Atlanta Brewing Company, 2323 Defoor Hills Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-355-5558, atlantabrewing.com.

Atlanta Fish Market is now offering takeout with curbside pickup and delivery.

Atlanta Fish Market, 265 Pharr Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-262-3165, buckheadrestaurants.com.

Avellino's is open for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery, with orders taken over the phone or via Chow Now.

Avellino’s Pizza, 902 W College Ave., Decatur. 404-228-3285, avellinospizzeria.com.

Banjo Coffee Co. is now offering delivery within a three-mile radius.

Banjo Coffee, 38 N Avondale Rd, Avondale Estates. 404-748-1837, banjocoffee.com.

Banshee has created a special "drive-thru" menu of comfort food items with curbside pickup. Banshee will be cashless as well, accepting card payments only.

Banshee, 1271 Glenwood Ave SE, Atlanta. 470-428-2034, banshee-atl.com.

Bantam and Biddy is selling family meals to-go that include an entree, three sides, salad, bread and a half gallon of sweet tea or lemonade, expected to serve three to five people.

Bantam + Biddy, 1544 Piedmont Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-907-3469, bantamandbiddy.com.

Bar Margot is offering takeout with pickup and delivery available until 9 p.m. each day, with different daily family meal menus for sale as well.

Bar Margot, 75 14th St NE, Atlanta. 404-881-5913, barmargotatl.com.

Bar Mercado is now offering delivery and curbside pickup per Krog Street Market's directions via UberEats, including beer and wine.

Bar Mercado, 99 Krog St NE. 404-480-4866, barmercadoatl.com.

Barcelona Wine Bar is offering takeout from 4-11 p.m. with delivery service expected to be added soon.

Barcelona Wine Bar, Two locations: West Midtown and Inman Park. barcelonawinebar.com.

Bartaco is now offering takeout with curbside pickup available.

Bartaco, Multiple locations. bartaco.com.

Batter Cookie Dough is now offering curbside pickup.

Batter Cookie Dough, Two locations: Buckhead and Ponce City Market. battercookiedough.com.

Bell Street Burritos is offering a host of special programs at all three of its locations, including selling tamales everyday, beer to-go, a retail market, free toilet paper with every $20 spent and, of course, curbside takeout service.

Bell Street Burritos, Multiple locations. bellstreetburritos.com.

Best End Brewing is offering takeout food with curbside pickup, working to add delivery options soon and will be offering discounts on beer growlers.

Best End Brewing Company, 1036 White St SW, Atlanta. 470-391-0999, bestendbrewing.com.

Bhojanic is offering takeout with curbside pickup or free home delivery.

Bhojanic Restaurant, 3400 Around Lenox Rd., Atlanta. 404-841-8472, bhojanic.com.

Big B's Fish Joint is open for takeout and delivery.

Big B's Fish Joint, 4600 Roswell Rd., Atlanta. 470-355-8326, bigbsfishjoint.com.

Big Easy Grille is open for takeout and delivery.

Big Easy Grille, 1193 Collier Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-352-2777, bigeasygrille.com.

Big Sky is offering chef-prepared meals to go along with wine, beer and cocktails.

Big Sky Buckhead, 3201 Cains Hill Pl NW, Atlanta. 404-228-8856, bigskybuckhead.com.

Le Bilboquet now offers delivery via UberEats.

Le Bilboquet, 3027 Bolling Way NE, Atlanta. 404-869-9944, lebilboquetatlanta.com.

Black Bear Tavern, located just across the street from Piedmont Hospital, is offering takeout burgers for $1 for medical personnel and $2 for the general public, as well as a limited takeout menu and free delivery within three miles to healthcare workers.

Blue Ridge Grill is now offering takeout.

Blue Ridge Grill, 1261 West Paces Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-233-5030, blueridgegrill.com.

Bocado is open and offers delivery as well as the option for curbside pickup of takeout orders. The restaurant is also offering family meals for four for $60 through DoorDash and its own website.

Bocado, 887 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-815-1399, bocadoatlanta.com.

Bocado Burger in Alpharetta is offering 25% off takeout orders placed on Chow Now using the promo code "burgersrule," as well as selling their ground beef burger mix for at-home grilling.

Bocado Burger, 2820 Old Milton Pkwy, Alpharetta. 678-248-5223, bocadoburger.com.

BoccaLupo is offering a limited takeaway menu with plans to expand.

BoccaLupo, 753 Edgewood Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-577-2332, boccalupoatl.com.

Bon Ton has closed its dining room and switched to delivery and takeout only with curbside pickup available.

Bon Ton Atlanta, 674 Myrtle St NE, Atlanta. 404-996-6177, bontonatl.com.

Bone Garden Cantina is now offering takeout with curbside pickup available.

Bone Garden Cantina, 1425 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW, Atlanta. 404-418-9072, bonegardencantina.com.

Bonefish Grill is offering delivery through DoorDash and UberEats, as well as 20% off carry-out orders.

Bonefish Grill, Multiple locations. bonefishgrill.com.

Boston Market is now offering home delivery for meals feeding up to 12 people with free shipping, as well as takeout with curbside pickup available.

Boston Market. Multiple locations. bostonmarket.com.

Brick Store Pub has closed and converted to a soup kitchen offering free meals, no questions asked, or asking customers to pay what they can.

Brick Store Pub, 125 E Court Square, Decatur. 404-687-0990, brickstorepub.com.

Buena Vida Tapas & Sol is offering chef-prepared meals for takeout along with beer, wine and cocktails.

Buena Vida Tapas & Sol, 385 N Angier Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-948-2312, buenavidatapas.com.

Bulla Gastrobar is offering delivery and takeout, including a complimentary dessert when you call in your order.

Bulla Gastrobar, 60 11th St NE, Atlanta. 404-900-6926, bullagastrobar.com.

Bun Mi is open for takeout and delivery and offering a program called Medical Match, in which donors can order food for a team of medical personnel and the restaurant will double the order for free. More details available at the restaurant's website.

Bun Mi Vietnamese Grill, 2277 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta. 678-705-9156, bunmigrill.com.

Butcher & Brew has reopened both locations for takeout, Tuesday - Saturday from 12-7 p.m. Customers can order from a special to-go menu by calling the restaurant, and each order comes with a free side of popcorn.

Butcher & Brew, Two locations: Alpharetta City Center and Halcyon. butcherandbrewshop.com.

The Butcher the Baker has closed its dining room and is now offering takeout with curbside pickup.

The Butcher The Baker, 23 N Park Square, Marietta. 678-224-1599, thebutcherthebakermarietta.com.

Buttermilk Kitchen is closing its dining room and converting to takeout orders with curbside pickup only.

Buttermilk Kitchen, 4225 Roswell Rd NE, Atlanta. 678-732-3274, buttermilkkitchen.com.

Cafe Alsace is open for takeout with curbside delivery available.

Cafe Alsace, 121 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., Decatur. 404-373-5622, cafealsace.net.

Cafe Intermezzo Midtown is offering takeout orders with curbside pickup including regular menu items, pastries, coffee beverages, beer and wine, seven days a week from 12-9 p.m.

Cafe Istanbul 3 is open for takeout with curbside pickup available.

Cafe Istanbul 3, 2880 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Alpharetta. 678-661-5303, alpharettahookahbar.com.

Cafe Sunflower in Buckhead is offering takeout from 12-8 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. The restaurant's Sandy Springs location is temporarily closed.

Cafe Sunflower Buckhead, 2140 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-352-8859, cafesunflower.com.

Canoe is now open for takeout with a weekly menu of family meals posted on the restaurant's social media pages. Order at the restaurant's website or by phone.

Canoe, 4199 Paces Ferry Rd SE, Atlanta. 770-432-2663, canoeatl.com.

Carrabba's is offering online ordering with 15% off carry-out orders with the code SPRING15 or free delivery with the code SPRINGFREE.

Carrabba’s, Multiple locations. carrabbas.com.

Casi Cielo has closed its dining room and is offering their full menu for takeout orders with curbside pickup available.

Casi Cielo, 6125 Roswell Rd., Atlanta. 404-549-9411, casicieloatl.com.

Catfish Hox is offering takeout with drive-through pickup and delivery via UberEats, GrubHub and Postmates.

Catfish Hox, 2595 Sandy Plains Rd., Marietta. 770-726-9925, catfishhox.com.

Chick-Fil-A: All locations have closed in-store dining and switched to drive-thru and takeout orders only.

Chick-Fil-A. Multiple Locations. chick-fil-a.com.

Chicken Salad Chick remains open for takeout and bulk orders, and several locations have drive-thru windows.

Chicken Salad Chick, Multiple locations. chickensaladchick.com.

Chinese Dhaba is open for takeout and delivery at all locations.

Chinese Dhaba, Multiple locations. chinesedhaba.com.

Chiringa has closed the dining room and now offers takeout with curbside pickup.

Chiringa, 34 S Main St, Alpharetta. 770-802-8940, chiringa.com.

Chopt Creative Salad Co. is open for takeout and delivery.

Chopt Creative Salad Co., Multiple locations. choptsalad.com.

Cibo e Beve is offering family-style meals and catering trays for delivery, curbside pickup of takeout orders and retail wine sales, and gift certificates with no expiration date.

Cibo e Beve, 4969 Roswell Rd., Sandy Springs. 404-250-8988, ciboatlanta.com.

City Winery has reopened for takeout with online ordering of food and wine. Pickup is available Monday - Friday from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

City Winery, 650 North Avenue NE, Atlanta. 404-946-3791, citywinery.com/atlanta.

Le Colonial is now offering delivery via UberEats as well as takeout orders.

Le Colonial Atlanta, 3035 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta. 404-341-0500, lecolonialatlanta.com.

Colletta is now offering curbside pickup of takeout orders.

Colletta, 900 3rd St, Alpharetta. 678-722-8335, collettarestaurant.com.

Cooks & Soldiers now offers online ordering with curbside pickup and delivery via UberEats.

Cooks & Soldiers, 691 14th St NW, Atlanta. 404-996-2623, cooksandsoldiers.com.

Cru Food & Wine Bar at the Battery has made its Wine Country menu available for takeout with curbside pickup.

CRÚ Food & Wine Bar - The Battery, 915 Battery Ave SE, Atlanta. 770-485-9463, cruwinebar.com.

Curry Up Now is offering takeout and delivery of family meals for four, six or eight people.

Curry Up Now, 1575 Church St, Decatur. 470-343-2911, curryupnow.com.

D.B.A. Barbecue has closed its dining room and is offering takeout with curbside pickup available.

D.B.A. Barbecue, 1190 N. Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-249-5000, dbabarbecue.com.

Da Vinci's Donuts has closed its Lenox Mall location but its Sandy Springs and Alpharetta locations are offering takeout and delivery via UberEats and DoorDash.

Da Vinci’s Donuts, Multiple locations. davincisdonuts.com.

Darden Restaurants have all closed their dining rooms and switched to takeout-only models, including Olive Garden, Longhorn Steakhouse, Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen, Seasons 52, Yard House and Capital Grille. Check individual websites for additional details on family meals.

Darden Restaurants, Multiple locations. darden.com.

DAS BBQ will be closing its dining room and offering takeout with curbside pickup Wednesday-Sunday, 12-7 p.m. The restaurant will also be sending its vans and trucks to serve neighboring communities in public spaces, the schedule for which can be found on its website.

DAS BBQ, 1203 Collier Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-850-7373, dasbbq.com.

Double Zero is now offering online ordering with curbside pickup as well as delivery via UberEats.

Double Zero, 1577 N Decatur Rd, Atlanta. 404-991-3666, doublezeroatl.com.

Doughnut Dollies has closed in-store dining at both locations but is offering takeout ordering with curbside pickup.

Doughnut Dollies, Two locations: Marietta and West Midtown. mydoughnutdollies.com.

Ecco Midtown is open for takeout with curbside pickup Thursday - Saturday from 5-8 p.m., with 50% off wine.

Ecco Midtown, 40 7th St NE, Atlanta. 404-347-9555, midtown.ecco-atlanta.com.

Edible Arrangements, the Atlanta-based fruit bouquet company, is offering free same-day delivery and free delivery on fresh fruit and produce.

Edible Arrangements, Multiple locations. ediblearrangements.com.

El Tesoro will offer curbside pickup of takeout orders.

El Tesoro, 1374 Arkwright Pl SE, Atlanta. 470-440-5502, eltesoroatl.com.

Establishment will be limiting diners to only open-air seating and grab-and-go food options, while also offering a 20% discount for Colony Square tenants and Midtown residents.

Establishment, 1197 Peachtree St NE Suite 517, Atlanta. 404-347-5291, establishmentatlanta.com.

F&B Buckhead is offering takeout with curbside pickup Monday-Saturday, 12-8 p.m.

Farm Burger will close dining rooms at all of its locations and switch to takeout-only service with curbside pickup and delivery options available. The chain is also offering make-at-home burger mealkits for takeout as well.

Farm Burger. Multiple locations. farmburger.com.

Feedel Bistro has closed its dining room and will be offering delivery and takeout with curbside pickup available.

Feedel Bistro, 3125 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-963-2905, feedelbistro.com.

Figs and Honey Catering is offering individually-made meals for home delivery.

Figs & Honey Catering, 1039 Marietta St NW, Atlanta. 404-745-9561, figsandhoneycatering.com.

Flip Burger Boutiqe is open for takeout with both curbside pickup and delivery available.

FLIP burger boutique, 1587 Howell Mill Rd, Atlanta. 404-343-1609, flipburgerboutiquega.com.

Flying Biscuit is open at its Candler Park and Midtown locations for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery.

Flying Biscuit Cafe, 1001 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta, 404-874-8887; 1655 McLendon Ave NE, Atlanta, 404-687-8888. flyingbiscuit.com.

Fogo de Chao is offering full meals to-go as well as its Bar Fogo menu for takeout ordering with curbside pickup available. The Brazilian steakhouse is also selling fresh meat by the pound.

Fogo de Chao, Two locations: Buckhead and Dunwoody. fogodechao.com

Fontaine's Oyster House is now offering curbside pickup.

Fontaine's Oyster House, 1026 1/2 N. Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-872-0869, facebook.com/fontainesoysterhouse.

Fox Bros. Bar-B-Q will switch to cashless payments and limit seating within their DeKalb Avenue restaurant. They are also offering catering orders of vacuum-sealed, freezer-friendly proteins like brisket, pulled pork and chicken for sale by emailing catering@foxbrosbbq.com.

Fox Bros. Bar-B-Q, 1238 DeKalb Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-577-4030, foxbrosbbq.com.

Freshii in Colony Square will only offer grab-and-go food items.

Freshii, 1175 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta. 404-439-0882, freshii.com.

Full Commission will be offering takeout for coffee and bakery items from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. with dinner service and takeout available from 5-10 p.m.

Full Commission, 519 Memorial Dr., Atlanta. 404-941-9102, fullcommissionatl.com.

Galla's Pizza has expanded its free delivery radius to six miles and is now offering make-at-home pizza kits for takeout.

Garden & Gun Club is offering a special takeout menu.

Garden & Gun Club, 2605 Circle 75 Pkwy., Atlanta. 770-726-0925, gardenandgunclub.com.

Gato has closed its dining room and switched to takeout service with new hours, Friday-Sunday from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Gato, 1660 McLendon Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-371-0889, gatoatl.com.

The General Muir will be closing its dining room today and reopening for takeout-only service Thursday, March 19.

The General Muir, 1540 Avenue Pl., Atlanta. 678-927-9131, thegeneralmuir.com.

Gio's Chicken Siciliana is open for takeout with pickup at its patio bar, as well as on most delivery apps.

Gio's Chicken Siciliana, 900 Battery Ave SE, Atlanta. 678-837-2446, littleitalia.com.

Goldberg's Fine Foods is offering takeout at all of its locations along with free delivery when orders are placed on the restaurant chain's website.

Goldberg’s Fine Foods, Multiple locations. goldbergsfinefoods.com.

Good Word Brewing has transformed into a soup kitchen and is offering free meals to the public.

Good Word Brewing & Public House, 3085 Main St, Duluth. 404-973-2077, goodwordbrewing.com.

Grindhouse Killer Burgers now offers delivery via DoorDash, as well as discounts for medical workers with their hospital badge or other medical ID.

Grindhouse Killer Burgers, Multiple locations. grindhouseburgers.com.

La Grotta is offering takeout with curbside pickup, including wine, which is discounted 40% on bottles under $200.

La Grotta Ristorante, 2637 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta. 404-231-1368, lagrottaatlanta.com.

Gusto! is closing its dining rooms but will keep its regular hours for delivery and online ordering pickup. It will also offer cooked chicken by the pint, two for $15.

Gusto! Multiple locations, whatsyourgusto.com.

Gypsy Kitchen is offering takeout with curbside pickup and delivery available, including bottles of wine. Restaurant industry workers get 50% off all orders.

Gypsy Kitchen, 3035 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-939-9840, gk-atl.com.

Halcyon, the mixed-use development in Alpharetta, has nearly its entire roster of restaurants offering curbside pickup of takeout orders. Click here to see the Halcyon restaurants now offering curbside pickup.

Halcyon, 6365 Halcyon Way, Alpharetta. 470-223-3665, visithalcyon.com.

Hampton + Hudson is temporarily transforming into a general store, with household items like toilet paper and soap available in addition to food items from the restaurant's menu. The "store" will be open daily from 12-8 p.m. with a $25 minimum on orders and a $5 surcharge for deliveries that goes directly to staff.

Hampton + Hudson, 299 North Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-948-2123, hamptonandhudson.com.

Hattie Marie's is offering takeout options and online ordering on its own website.

Hattie Marie's Texas Style BBQ & Cajun Kitchen, 3699 Main St, College Park. 678-796-8205, hattiemaries.com.

Hazel Jane's has switched to takeout only with a special menu.

Hazel Jane's, 670 DeKalb Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-317-3780, hazeljanesatl.com.

Heirloom Market BBQ is offering takeout and delivery via DoorDash with adjusted hours, Tuesday - Saturday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m.

Heirloom Market BBQ, 2243 Akers Mill Rd SE, Atlanta. 770-612-2502, heirloommarketbbq.com.

Hobnob is offering takeout and delivery, along with family meals meant to feed four to six people for $49.

Hobnob, Two locations: Brookhaven and Dunwoody. hobnobatlanta.com.

Holmes has closed its dining room but will offer a special takeout menu with curbside pickup available each day from 12-8 p.m. It is now offering cocktail kits for a selection of its specialty cocktails.

Holmes, 50 S Main St, Alpharetta. 678-691-8320, restaurantholmes.com.

Hooters is open for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery.

Hooters, multiple locations. hooters.com.

Hop City is open for retail sales and adding curbside pickup at both of its locations, with ordering available by email, over the phone and on a drive-up basis, with plans to add online ordering later in the week. Check the store's website for more details.

Hop City, Two locations: Krog Street Market and West End. hopcitybeer.com.

Hopstix has closed its dining room and switched to takeout-only with curbside pickup, including beer growlers.

Hopstix, 3404 Pierce Dr., Chamblee. 678-888-2306, hopstix.com.

Houston's is offering online ordering for takeout with curbside pickup at both Atlanta locations.

Houston's, two locations: Buckhead and West Paces Ferry. houstons.com.

Hudson Grille has four locations open for takeout: Kennesaw, Sandy Springs, Midtown and Tucker. The full menu is available.

Hudson Grille, Multiple locations. hudsongrille.com.

Iberian Pig is now offering online ordering with cubside pickup as well as delivery via UberEats from both its Decatur and Buckhead locations.

Iberian Pig, Two Locations: Decatur and Buckhead. theiberianpigatl.com.

Il Giallo Osteria & Bar is closing temporarily March 17 and will transition to takeout-only service on March 18 with new hours, 12-7 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday.

Il Giallo Osteria & Bar, 5920 Roswell Rd., Sandy Springs. 404-709-2148, ilgialloatl.com.

Inspire Brands will be temporarily closing dining rooms and moving to takeout-only service at several of its fast food chains, including Arby's, Jimmy John's and Sonic.

Inspire Brands, Multiple locations. inspirebrands.com.

J. Christopher's locations are offering takeout with curbside pickup and delivery via UberEats. Gift cards are also available for purchase on the chain's website.

J. Christopher's, multiple locations. jchristophers.com.

Jardi Chocolates is offering curbside pickup.

Jardi Chocolates, 3400 W Hospital Ave., Chamblee. 470-240-8353, jardichocolates.com.

Jayida Che Herbal Tea Spot is offering free delivery on orders over $30 and curbside pickup.

Jayida Ché Herbal Tea Spot, 749 Moreland Ave. SE, Atlanta. 404-424-4069, jayidache.com.

Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream has closed its shops to takeout orders but is offering local delivery.

Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream, Multiple locations. jenis.com.

Jim 'N' Nick's Bar-B-Q has closed dining rooms at all of its locations but remains open for curbside pickup and drive-thru ordering.

Jim ‘N’ Nick’s Bar-B-Q, Multiple locations. jimnnicks.com.

JimPa's Catering is now offering delivery and takeout options.

Jimpa's Catering, 2420 Cobb Pkwy. NW, Kennesaw. 770-529-5400, jimpascatering.com.

Junior's Pizza is offering takeout only, Monday-Saturday from 12-9 p.m.

Juniors Pizza, 77 Georgia Ave SE, Atlanta. 404-549-7147, juniorspizzaatl.com.

Kafenio is open for takeout and delivery.

Kafenio, Two locations: College Park and Avondale. 470-823-4929, kafeniogreekdiner.com.

KarmaFarm is offering drive-thru service with vegan combo meals under $20, pickups available 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Saturday.

KarmaFarm, 308 Pharr Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-307-7186, eatkarmafarm.com.

Kimball House is closing its dining room and switching to a takeout-only menu available each day 4-9 p.m.

Kimball House, 303 E Howard Ave, Decatur. 404-378-3502, kimball-house.com.

King of Pops is taking orders online for local delivery.

King of Pops. 833-328-7677, kingofpops.com.

Kiosco will close its dining and offer takeout only while keeping its regular business hours.

Kiosco, 48 Powder Springs St SW, Marietta. 678-337-7999, kioscorestaurant.com.

Kona Grill is offering its full menu for takeout and delivery.

Kona Grill, 5100 Avalon Blvd, Alpharetta. 470-226-1540, konagrill.com.

Krog Street Market will be closed with all of its restaurant tenants switching to takeout menus with curbside pickup and delivery.

Krog Street Market, 99 Krog St NE, Atlanta. krogstreetmarket.com.

Lagarde American Eatery has reopened for takeout ordering with curbside pickup as well as delivery on UberEats.

Lagarde American Eatery, 5090 Peachtree Blvd, Chamblee. 470-385-3533, lagardeusa.com.

Landry's Restaurants, which includes Morton's, Del Frisco's Grille, Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse, McCormick & Schmick's and more, are open and offering 10% off all takeout orders.

Landry’s Restaurants, Multiple locations. landrysinc.com.

The Lawrence has closed its dining room and switched to takeout-only with the option of curbside pickup.

The Lawrence, 905 Juniper St NE, Atlanta. 404-961-7178, thelawrenceatlanta.com.

Lazy Betty is now offering online ordering of family-style takeout options available for pickup or delivery. Pickup and delivery will be available seven days a week, from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. for pickup and 12-6 p.m. for delivery, starting April 14.

Lazy Betty, 1530 DeKalb Ave NE., Atlanta. 404-975-3692, lazybettyatl.com.

Lazy Llama Cantina is offering delivery and takeout with curbside pickup, as well as family meals for $59,  and has modified its hours to Tuesday-Sunday, 12-8 p.m.

Lazy Llama Cantina, 1551 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-968-2288, lazyllamacantina.com.

Leon's Full Service has partnered with the Brick Store Pub, which has converted to a soup kitchen, on its takeout menu and is also offering cold menu items like pimento cheese by the pint.

Leon's Full Service, 131 E Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur. 404-687-0500, leonsfullservice.com.

Little Bear is offering a daily takeout menu posted to its Instagram for pickup from 5-9 p.m. Wednesday - Sunday. Call ahead to order.

Little Bear, 71 Georgia Ave SE, Atlanta. 404-500-5396, littlebearatl.com.

Little Rey will is open for takeout-only service with online ordering, including curbside pickup and delivery. Adjusted hours are Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. - 9 p.m., Friday from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. (breakfast available on Saturday and Sunday only from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.).

Little Rey, 1878 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta. 770-796-0207, littlerey.com.

Louisiana Bistreaux is open for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery via UberEats from all three locations.

Louisiana Bistreaux, Multiple locations. louisianabistreaux.com.

Loyal Q and Brew is offering delivery via Grubhub.

Loyal Q and Brew, 3655 Old Milton Pkwy, Alpharetta. 470-359-9947, loyalq.com.

Lucy's Market is now offering curbside pickup of its selection of freezer-friendly casseroles and other prepared dishes.

Lucy's Market, 56 E Andrews Dr NW, Atlanta. 404-869-9222, lucysmarket.com.

Lyla Lila will remain open and will also begin selling Pasta To-Go packages, cook-at-home meal kits made to serve four people. Each kit includes a pasta dish and salad, with additional daily specials available. Orders can be placed over the phone for curbside pickup.

Lyla Lila, 693 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta. 404-963-2637, lylalilaatl.com.

Malone's Steak and Seafood is open for takeout  with curbside pickup and delivery via UberEats.

Malone's Steak & Seafood, 1258 Virginia Ave., Atlanta. 404-762-5577, malonesatlanta.com.

Marrakesh is now offering takeout with curbside pickup and delivery via Postmates and Doordash from 12-7 p.m. daily. Pickup orders can be placed by calling the restaurant.

Marrakesh Mediterranean Kitchen, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave. NE1, Atlanta. 404-600-4171, marrakeshpcm.com.

Maru Sushi has closed its lunch buffet but remains open for a la carte dining as well as delivery and takeout.

Maru Sushi, 4454 S Cobb Dr SE, Smyrna. 770-434-7799, themarusushi.com.

Mavericks has reduced the capacity of its dining room and will be offering takeout with curbside pickup available.

Mavericks Cantina, 11030 Medlock Bridge Rd., Johns Creek. 470-395-6140, maverickscantina.com.

Max's Coal Oven Pizzeria has reopened downtown for takeout orders of both food and alcohol. It will also be selling growlers from sister restaurant STATS Brewpub for just $5.

Max's Coal Oven Pizzeria, 300 Marietta St NW, Atlanta. 404-974-2941, maxsatl.com.

McCray's Tavern is offering takeout with curbside pickup as well as discounted gift cards.

McCray’s Tavern, Multiple locations. mccraystavern.com.

Mediterranea has closed its dining room and will offer takeout with curbside pickup as well as limited local delivery.

Mediterranea Restaurant & Bakery, 332 Ormond St SE, Atlanta. 404-748-4219, mediterraneaatl.com.

Metrotainment Cafes restaurant group has switched most restaurants to takeout-only, including Einstein's, four Hudson Grille locations and Joe's on Juniper. All takeout orders will come with a free cookie from Metrotainment Bakery.

Metrotainment Cafes restaurant group, Multiple locations. metrocafes.com.

MF Sushi is open for takeout seven days a week. The menu is posted online and orders can be placed by phone.

MF Sushi Atlanta, 99 North Highland Avenue Northeast, Atlanta. 678-575-7890, mfsushiusa.com.

Milton's Cuisine and Cocktails will offer delivery within a three-mile radius.

Milton's Cuisine & Cocktails, 800 Mayfield Rd, Alpharetta. 770-817-0161, miltonscuisine.com.

Minnie Olivia Pizzeria is offering takeout with curbside pickup and a 10% discount on orders of $30 or more, and each order will come with a coupon for %15 off a future order.

Minnie Olivia Pizzeria, 10 Roswell St, Alpharetta. 678-691-0051, minnieolivia.com.

Mission + Market has converted to takeout only with curbside pickup.

Mission + Market, 3550 Lenox Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-948-2927, missionandmarketatl.com.

Moe's Original BBQ is offering takeout ordering with curbside pickup, "haul it home" packs, meat by the pound and takeout alcoholic beverages.

Moe's Original BBQ - Atlanta, 349 14th St NW, Atlanta. 404-249-0707, moesoriginalbbq.com.

Monkey 68 is offering takeout with curbside pickup at its Roswell location, plus delivery in the local area. Customers within 5 miles get free delivery for orders of $40 or more. The restaurant's Alpharetta location is closed.

Monkey 68, 1037 Green St., Roswell. 770-587-3277, monkey68atl.com.

Moxie Burger is now offering curbside pickup.

Moxie Burger. Multiple locations. moxierestaurantagroup.com.

Murphy's is extending its Sunday meals to-go offer to every day of the week.

Murphy's Restaurant, 997 Virginia Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-872-0904, murphysatlanta.com.

My Friend's Place is open in Alpharetta for takeout with online ordering available.

My Friend's Place, 1545 McFarland Pkwy, Alpharetta. 678-879-0200, myfriendsplacedeli.com.

Napoleon's has reopened for takeout service with curbside pickup and delivery via GrubHub from 4-8 p.m. daily.

Napoleon's, 2836 Lavista Rd, Decatur. 404-321-5000, napoleonsgrill.com.

New Realm Brewing is offering takeout with curbside pickup as well as a walk-up window on the Beltline for placing and picking up to-go orders.

New Realm Brewing, 550 Somerset Terrace NE, Atlanta. 404-968-2777, newrealmbrewing.com.

New York Prime is now offering delivery via UberEats and takeout with curbside pickup from 12-9 p.m. daily. Customers can call the restaurant from the valet stand to have their orders delivered curbside.

New York Prime, 3424 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta. 404-846-0644, newyorkprime.com.

Newk's Eatery is open for takeout, curbside pickup, grab-and-go and delivery on DoorDash for 99 cents.

Newk’s Eatery, Multiple locations. newks.com.

Nina & Rafi has closed its dining room and moved to a takeout-only model with new hours, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. daily.

Nina & Rafi, 661 Auburn Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-549-8997, ninaandrafi.com.

No Mas Cantina is offering takeout with curbside pickup and delivery as well as catering. The restaurant is also offering to donate a meal for every order placed on behalf of a frontline worker and deliver those meals for free.

No Mas! Cantina, 180 Walker St SW, Atlanta. 404-574-5678, nomascantina.com.

No. 246 is offering takeout with curbside pickup to be ordered by phone, including closed-container beer and wine.

No. 246, 129 E Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur. 678-399-8246, no246.com.

Northern China Eatery is selling its dumplings in bulk orders of 60 as well as offering curbside pickup for takeout orders and delivery on orders of $100 or more with a 20% delivery fee.

Northern China Eatery, 5141 Buford Hwy NE ste c, Doraville. 770-458-2282, northernchinaeatery.com.

O-Ku Sushi is now offering curbside pickup.

O-Ku, 1085 Howell Mill Rd NW A3, Atlanta. 404-500-2383, o-kusushiatl.com.

Oak Steakhouse is now offering curbside pickup.

Oak Steakhouse, 950 3rd St, Alpharetta. 678-722-8333, oaksteakhouseatlanta.com.

Ocean Wave is offering delivery and takeout with curbside pickup.

Ocean Wave By Harry and Sons, 820 North Highland Avenue Northeast, Atlanta. 404-873-2009, oceanwaveatl.com.

OK Cafe is now offering takeout.

OK Cafe, 1284 West Paces Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-233-2888, okcafe.com.

Olive Bistro is open at both its Midtown and Vinings locations for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery.

Olive Bistro, 1050 Juniper St NE, Atlanta, 404-874-5337; 3300 Cobb Pkwy, Atlanta, 770-272-8900. olivebistro.com.

Olive Garden is open for takeout and delivery. Many locations offer packaged beer and wine for takeout.

Olive Garden, Multiple locations. olivegarden.com.

One Eared Stag is now offering takeout with curbside pickup and local delivery to adjacent neighborhoods. The restaurant is also offering a 20% discount on gift cards.

One Eared Stag, 1029 Edgewood Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-525-4479, oneearedstagatl.com.

The Original El Taco is open for takeout with curbside pickup Tuesday - Saturday from 5-8 p.m. with family-style and a la carte items available. The restaurant is also offering beer and wine 50% off.

The Original El Taco, 1186 North Highland Avenue Northeast, Atlanta. 404-873-4656, eltaco-atlanta.com.

The Original Hot Dog Factory is offering takeout and delivery as well as free meals to police officers, fire fighters and medical workers.

The Original Hot Dog Factory, Two locations: Smyrna and Downtown Atlanta. theoriginalhotdogfactory.com.

Outback Steakhouse is offering online ordering with free delivery through April 30.

Outback Steakhouse, Multiple locations. outback.com.

P.F. Chang's locations around Atlanta are all open for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery.

P.F. Chang’s, Multiple locations. pfchangs.com.

The Pantry & Provisions is offering curbside pickup and free lunches to restaurant industry workers.

The Pantry & Provisions, 57 Forsyth St NW, Atlanta. 404-254-4042, thepantryatl.com.

Petit Chou is open for takeout with curbside pickup for breakfast and lunch daily 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and dinner orders until 7 p.m. Local delivery is available for $3 to Cabbagetown and Reynoldstown, and $5 to Grant Park.

Petit Chou, 662 Memorial Dr SE, Atlanta. 470-270-8996, petitchouatl.com.

Petite Violette has closed its dining room and transitioned to takeout-only with curbside pick up available as well as take-away beer and wine.

Petite Violette, 2948 Clairmont Rd., Atlanta. 404-634-6268, petitevioletterestaurant.com.

Ph'east, the Asian food hall at the Battery, has several vendors offering takeout with curbside delivery, including Poke Burri, Kung Fu Tea and Taps.

PH'EAST, 925 Battery Ave SE, Atlanta. 678-247-8137, pheastatl.com.

Piastra has closed its dining room and is offering delivery and takeout with curbside pickup available. The restaurant is also adding a $10 bonus to every $50 spent on gift cards.

Piastra Restaurant, 45 W Park Square, Marietta. 770-425-9300, piastrarestaurant.com.

Picadilly Cafeteria's Tucker location is offering takeout with curbside pickup as well as delivery, seven days a week from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

The Pinewood is closing its dining room but offering a special takeout menu with curbside pickup.

The Pinewood, 254 W Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur. 404-373-5507, pinewoodtr.com.

Porch Light is open for dinner only with takeout ordering available.

Porch Light Latin Kitchen, 300 Village Green Cir SE, Smyrna. 678-309-9858, porchlightlatinkitchen.com.

Portofino is open for takeout Thursday - Saturday from 4-8 p.m. with ordering available by phone.

Portofino, 3199 Paces Ferry Pl NW, Atlanta. 404-231-1136, portofinoatl.com.

Recess is now offering online ordering with curbside pickup as well as delivery via UberEats.

Recess, 99 Krog St. NE, Atlanta. 404-596-8396, recessatl.com.

Red Pepper Taqueria is closing its Brookhaven location due to the city ban on in-person dining, but other locations are operating normally.

Red Pepper Taqueria, 705 Town Blvd., Brookhaven. 404-963-6205, eatredpepper.com.

Red Sky Tapas & Bar will operate with normal hours but offer free food for kids from Cobb County schools affected by closures between 12-6 p.m. each day.

Red Sky Tapas & Bar, 1255 Johnson Ferry Rd., Marietta. 770-973-0100, redskytapas.com.

Refuge Coffee Co. is offering free delivery anywhere in Clarkston, even for a single cup of coffee. The shop's red truck will also travel within a 20-mile radius of Clarkston and set up shop for 30-minute intervals without charging a travel fee - the team only requests 24 hours notice for these orders.

Refuge Coffee Co., 4170 E Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Clarkston. 929-314-4837, refugecoffeeco.com.

Rising Son has switched to take-out orders only and offers curbside pickup.

Rising Son, 124 N Avondale Rd, Avondale Estates. 404-600-5297, risingsonavondale.com.

RO Hospitality, which includes Table & Main, Osteria Mattone and Coalition Food & Beverage, has created a combined menu available at each restaurant's Facebook page. Orders can be placed by phone or email between 12-8 p.m. daily, with curbside pickup available at Osteria Mattone or for delivery from 4-8 p.m.

RO Hospitality, Multiple locations. rohospitality.com.

Roaster's is open for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery via DoorDash.

Roaster’s, two locations: Buckhead and Sandy Springs. roastersfresh.com

Root Baking Co. is open for takeout orders of fresh bread.

Root Baking Co., 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta. 470-639-8046, rootbaking.com.

RReal Tacos is offering takeout orders for pickup with online ordering through its website.

Rreal Tacos, 100 6th St NE, Atlanta. 404-458-5887, rrealtacos.com.

Ruby Chow's is available for takeout with curbside pickup, delivery via UberEats or local delivery within two miles for $3.

Ruby Chow's, 620 Glen Iris Dr NE, Atlanta. 404-585-7829, rubychows.com.

Rumi's Kitchen is offering delivery and takeout with curbside pickup as well as a new service called Rumi's Pantry, chef-prepared meal kits that can also be ordered with wine pairings to-go.

Rumi’s Kitchen, Two locations: Sandy Springs and Avalon. rumiskitchen.com.

Sapori di Napoli is offering takeout with curbside pickup.

Sapori di Napoli Pizzeria & Restaurant, 314 Church St, Decatur. 404-371-0001, saporidinapolipizzeria.com.

Scout will offer takeout with curbside pickup and delivery within the Oakhurst neighborhood, and has also started offering gift cards for purchase.

Scout, 321 W. Hill St., Decatur. 404-496-6863, scoutoakhurst.com.

Second Self Beer Co. is offering to-go beer sales as well as "survivor kits" which include a case of beer, two boxes of Girl Scout cookies and a roll of toilet paper.

Second Self Beer Company, 1317 Logan Cir NW, Atlanta. 678-916-8035, secondselfbeer.com.

The Select is open for takeout ordering online or by phone with curbside pickup and delivery, open Tuesday - Sunday from 4-8 p.m.

The Select Restaurant + Bar, 6405 Blue Stone Rd, Sandy Springs. 770-637-2240, theselectatl.com.

Shake Shack will switch to takeout orders only at its Atlanta locations.

Shake Shack. Multiple locations. shakeshack.com.

Shanghai Chinese Food & Bar is now offering delivery.

Shanghai Chinese Food and Bar, 112 Magnolia St., Roswell. 678-682-3441, eatdrinkshanghai.com.

Slope's BBQ locations are all open for takeout and delivery daily, except Sunday.

Slope’s BBQ, Multiple locations. slopesbbq.com.

Smokey Bones is letting kids eat free with the purchase of a regular entree.

Smokey Bones, Multiple locations. smokeybones.com.

Socks Love Barbecue is offering extended pickup hours for its Family Pack meals.

Socks Love Barbecue, 1050 Buford Hwy., Cumming. 470-302-8383, sockslovebrands.com.

Sonny's BBQ is closing all of its dining rooms but will continue to offer drive-thru service and takeout with curbside pickup.

Sonny’s Barbecue, Two locations: Marietta and Jonesboro. sonnysbbq.com

Sotto Sotto is open for takeout and is offering 50% off food for anyone unemployed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Sotto Sotto Restaurant, 313 N. Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-523-6678, sottosottoatl.com.

South Main Kitchen has reopened for takeout Tuesday - Saturday from 12-7 p.m. In addition to a regular takeout menu, the restaurant is serving family-style dishes and beer and wine to go. Place orders by calling the restaurant.

South Main Kitchen, 9 S Main St, Alpharetta. 678-691-4622, southmainkitchen.com.

Southern Baked Pie is now offering curbside pickup.

Southern Baked Pie. Multiple locations. southernbakedpie.com

The Southern Gentleman is offering takeout with curbside pickup and delivery each day from 11 a.m. - 9 p.m., including family-style dinners that feed four people and include a bottle of wine. To-go wine bottles are half off, and restaurant industry workers can take 50% off their orders.

The Southern Gentleman, 3035 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta. 404-939-9845, thesoutherngentlemanatl.com.

Spiller Park Coffee is offering takeout with curbside pickup at its Toco Hills location.

Spiller Park, 2929 North Druid Hills Road NE, Atlanta. 404-823-5737, spillerpark.com.

Sprig is open for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery, as well as selling heat-and-serve family meals.

Sprig Restaurant, 2860 Lavista Rd, Decatur. 404-248-9700, sprigrestaurant.com.

St. Germain French Bakery will be taking orders for delivery only, as well as offering a 30% discount on gift cards.

Saint-Germain Bakery, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta. 470-823-4141, facebook.com/saintgermainfrenchbakery.

Storico Fresco is now offering curbside pickup for takeout and market items with 20% off all takeout restaurant orders.

Storico Fresco Alimentari e Ristorante, 3167 Peachtree Rd NE Suite S, Atlanta. 404-500-2181, storicofresco.com.

STK Steakhouse is now offering delivery and takeout with curbside pickup.

STK Atlanta, 1075 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta. 404-793-0144, stksteakhouse.com.

Strange Taco Bar is closing its dining room and switching to takeout only from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. daily.

Strange Taco Bar, 225 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville. 678-869-5220, strangetacobar.com.

Sugo is now offering online ordering with curbside pickup as well as delivery via UberEats.

Sugo, 10305 Medlock Bridge Rd, Johns Creek. 770-817-8000, sugorestaurant.com.

Superica locations are now offering online ordering for curbside pickup for food, and the Battery and Avolon locations are selling margaritas to-go. The restaurants will be open Sunday through Thursday from 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Superica. Multiple locations. superica.com.

Surin of Thailand has closed its dining room and is now offering delivery and takeout with curbside pickup.

Surin of Thailand, 810 N. Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-892-7789, surinofthailand.com.

Sushi Hayakawa is offering bento boxes for curbside pickup for both lunch and dinner.

Sushi Hayakawa, 5979 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta. 770-986-0010, sushihayakawa.com.

Sweet Auburn BBQ is offering takeout and delivery via UberEats and DoorDash, and will soon offer "heat-at-home" family-style meals.

Sweet Auburn BBQ, 656 N. Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 678-515-3550, sweetauburnbbq.com.

Tap on Ponce is offering takeout of beer and wine with touchless pickup in the 30-minute parking area at Ponce City Market. Takeout is available Tuesday-Saturday from 2-6 p.m.

Tap on Ponce, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-835-2844, atthetap.com.

The Tavern at Phipps remains open for takeout and delivery, with free delivery available on orders placed on the restaurant's website.

The Tavern At Phipps, 3500 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-814-9640, tavernatphipps.com.

La Tavola is now open for takeout with curbside pickup Tuesday - Saturday from 5-8 p.m. with both family-style and a la carte items. The restaurant is also taking 50% off the price of wine and all gratuities will be donated to the Fifth Group Family Fund.

La Tavola, 992 Virginia Ave NE, Atlanta. 404-873-5430, latavolatrattoria.com.

Taqueria el Vecino is open for takeout Thursday - Sunday with online ordering available, including beer growlers and a rewards program specifically designed for the coronavirus crisis. Learn more at the restaurant's website.

Taqueria El Vecino, 2743 Lavista Rd, Decatur. 404-929-0301, taqueriaelvecino.com.

Taverna is offering takeout with curbside pickup as well as delivery via Uber Eats every day from 4-9 p.m.

Taverna (Buckhead), 280 Buckhead Ave., Atlanta. 678-791-1311, tavernabylombardi.com.

Thompson Brothers Barbeque is now offering delivery.

Thompson Brothers Barbeque, 2445 Cobb Pkwy SE, Smyrna. 770-818-9098, thompsonbbq.com.

Tiny Bistro is offering takeout and grab-and-go meals.

Tiny Bistro, 1039 Marietta St NW, Atlanta. 404-745-9562, figsandhoneycatering.com.

Tiny Lou's is offering a special takeout menu with curbside pickup. In addition, pastry chef Claudia Martinez is selling pastries which she will hand-deliver within 15 miles of the restaurant. Pastries are also avaialble for pickup and 100% of proceeds will support Tiny Lou's employees. See more on Martinez's Instagram.

Tiny Lou's, 789 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta. 470-485-0085, tinylous.com.

Tuk Tuk Thai Food Loft is open for in-person dining with limited seating and has added curbside pickup service to its takeout options. The restaurant is also offering gift cards with no expiration date.

Tuk Tuk Thai Food Loft, 1745 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta. 678-539-6181, tuktukatl.com.

Tupelo Honey is open for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery. Online ordering available on the restaurant's website, and customers can take 20% off with the code ORDER20.

Tupelo Honey, 4600 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs. 404-649-6334, tupelohoneycafe.com.

Tuscany At Your Table is offering daily menus portioned into family meals for $12.50 per person ($8 for kids) for pickup.

Tuscany At Your Table, 1050 North Highland Avenue Northeast, Atlanta. 404-205-5092, tuscanyatyourtable.com.

Twisted Soul Cookhouse & Pours is now offering call-in ordering for takeout and pay-what-you-can pricing.

Twisted Soul Cookhouse & Pours, 1133 Huff Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-350-5500, twistedsoulcookhouseandpours.com.

Umi is now offering takeout with curbside pickup in the King + Duke valet area. Takeout is available Monday - Saturday, 4:30-8:30 p.m., with call-in orders accepted from 3 p.m. on.

Umi, 3050 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-841-0040, umiatlanta.com.

Unsukay Concepts will transition all three of its restaurants to a takeout-only model with curbside pickup, including Muss & Turner's, Local Three and MTH Pizza.

Unsukay, unsukay.com.

Urban Grind Coffeehouse is open for takeout with delivery via DoorDash.

Urban Grind, 962 Marietta St. NW, Atlanta. 404-724-0605, urbangrindatlanta.com.

Urban Tree Cidery is offering online ordering with free delivery within 10 miles, as well as a free growler with the purchase of a $50 gift card.

Urban Tree Cidery, 1465 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta. 404-855-5546, urbantreecidery.com.

Valenza will close its dining room but offer a fixed price three-course takeout menu for $35 per person or $120 for a family of four.

Valenza, 1441 Dresden Dr., Atlanta. 404-969-3233, valenzarestaurant.com.

Vero Pizzeria is now offering delivery seven days a week.

Vero Pizzeria, 1441 Dresden Dr., Brookhaven. 404-869-1166, vero-pizzeria.com.

Vespucci's Pizza is open for takeout and delivery via UberEats.

Vespucci's Pizza & Pasta, 4805 Canton Rd, Marietta. 770-928-1212, vespuccispizza.com.

Vietvana has closed dining rooms at both locations but is offering takeout and delivery.

Vietvana, Two locations: Avondale Estates and Midtown. vietvana.com.

Whiskey Bird has closed its dining room and is now offering takeout-only with curbside pickup and modified hours, Tuesday-Sunday, 5-9 p.m.

Whiskey Bird, 1409 N. Highland Ave. NE, Atlanta. 404-600-5797, eatwhiskeybird.com.

Whitehall Tavern is open for takeout seven days a week.

Whitehall Tavern, 2391 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta. 404-842-1010, whitehall-tavern.com.

WIN Indonesian Grill is offering takeout with curbside pickup and delivery, as well as 10% off all pickup orders and 20% off for medical personnel.

WIN Indonesian Grill & Gastrobar, 2285 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta. 404-352-3838, wingastrobar.com.

Wing Factory is open for takeout with curbside pickup and delivery via UberEats, Postmates and DoorDash. The restaurant is also offering a 20% bonus on gift cards of $20 or more.

Wing Factory, 4279 Roswell Rd NE, Atlanta. 404-255-4460, wingfactory.com.

Wonderkid has closed its dining room and transitioned to takeout service only, with free delivery within the Atlanta Dairies complex.

Wonderkid, 777 Memorial Dr SE, Atlanta. 404-331-0720, wonderkidatl.com.

Yakitori Jinbei has closed its dining room and switched to takeout and delivery service only.

Yakitori Jinbei, 2421 Cobb Pkwy SE, Smyrna. 770-818-9215, yakitorijinbei.com.

Yard House is offering 15% off all takeout orders through March 25.

Yard House, Two locations: The Battery Atlanta and Atlantic Station. yardhouse.com.

Yeah! Burger now has curbside pickup available for takeout orders.

Yeah! Burger. Multiple locations. yeahburger.com.

Your Pie is offering takeout with curbside pickup.

Your Pie, Multiple locations. yourpie.com.

Yumbii is providing free delivery within a five-mile radius, as well as their usual app-based delivery services. The restaurant is also offering family meals like taco casserole and taco kits.

Yumbii, 1927 Peachtree Road Northeast, Atlanta. 404-975-3444, yumbii.com.

Zoe's Kitchen locations are open for takeout with curbside pickup. Order online at the restaurant's website.

Zoe's Kitchen, Multiple locations. zoeskitchen.com.


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