Update: Rip current statement affecting Glynn County until Friday night


On Wednesday at 11:21 a.m. the National Weather Service issued an updated rip current statement in effect until Friday at 11 p.m.

"Numerous roads may be closed. Low-lying property including homes, businesses, and some critical infrastructure will be inundated. Some shoreline erosion will occur. Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water," describes the NWS. "Take the necessary actions to protect flood-prone property. If travel is required, do not drive around barricades or through water of unknown depth. Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help."

Caught in a rip: How to stay safe

Rip currents, swift channels of water flowing away from the shore at surf beaches, can turn a day at the beach into a dangerous situation. Understanding how to respond when caught in one is crucial. The NWS offers these life-saving tips:

Stay calm - they won't drag you under:

Don't panic - rip currents won’t pull you underwater.

Go with the flow, but not toward the beach:

Trying to swim directly toward the beach when caught in a rip current is futile and exhausting. The current is too strong. Instead, swim parallel to the shore and away from the rip current's grip.

Signal for help if necessary:

If you find yourself unable to make it back to shore, stay calm. Turn to face the shore, tread water, and signal for help by calling out or waving your arms. Rescuers are more likely to spot you.

Seek lifeguarded beaches for added safety:

If at all possible, only swim at beaches with lifeguards.

Never brave the waves alone on unguarded shores:

If you choose to swim at beaches without lifeguards, make it a rule never to swim solo. Always bring a friend, and ensure that person has a cell phone to call 911 in case of an emergency.

Rip currents are formidable natural forces, but knowing how to react can significantly increase your chances of safely navigating these challenging waters. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and prioritize safety when enjoying the surf.

Source: The National Weather Service