Sunday marks the 21st anniversary of the terror attacks using airplanes in New York City and Washington, D.C. and the failed attack thwarted by passengers over Shanksville, Pa.
As the nation pauses to mark the day, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has published a full page of editorial cartoons by Pulitzer Prize winner Mike Luckovich, including an iconic tribute to first responders and his touching image of a weeping Statue of Liberty in the harbor across from the site of the Twin Towers.
In an interview, Luckovich reflected on the Lady Liberty cartoon, drawn hours after the attack. “In hindsight I think I probably did the best cartoon I could at the time,” he said.
Read more from the interview and see the Luckovich cartoon page for September 11 on page A18 of the print and ePaper editions today. On page A19 is a new Mike Luckovich cartoon marking the 21st anniversary. If you are not a subscriber, visit the AJC subscriber information page to learn more.
Visit and the AJC app for more coverage of events and reflections across the United States related to the Sept. 11 anniversary.
RELATED: Deja News - How the Atlanta Journal-Constitution covered the Sept. 11 attack
President Biden to honor 9/11 victims in ceremony at the Pentagon
Looking back: Full coverage of the 20th anniversary in 2021
Credit: AJC ePaper
Credit: AJC ePaper
Credit: AJC ePaper
Credit: AJC ePaper
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