Meet the Falcons cheerleaders: Cayla

This is the tenth in a series introducing you to members of the Falcons' cheerleaders squad.

Name: Cayla

Occupation: I'm a pet sitter at Cutie Paws.

Education: I went to the University of Georgia and earned a degree in nutrition.

Favorite Falcons moment: It would have to be when we traveled to London last year to play the Lions.

How long have you been a Falcons cheerleader: This is my second season with the Falcons.

Coolest part of being a Falcons cheerleader: For me, it's just having the best seats in the Dome because I love football.

Come back each week of the season to meet another member of the Falcons' cheer squad.

The cheer squad: Megan | Macy | Amy | Dana | Kristen | Cecilia | Sydney | Kiva |Alexandria | Cayla