When Hawks center Dwight Howard was with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2013, he had quite the sweet tooth.
In the March 27th Analytics Issue of ESPN The Magazine, "The NBA's Secret Addition" follows Howard's journey to a healthy lifestyle during 2013 when he ate 24 candy bars a day and suffered from various aches and pains.
In the article, Howard was consulted by Lakers’ team nutritionist Dr. Cate Shanahan who spoke to Howard about cutting back on sugar for two weeks.
"To alter Howard's diet, though, Shanahan first had to understand it. After calls with his bodyguard, chef and a personal assistant, she uncovered a startling fact: Howard had been scarfing down about two dozen chocolate bars' worth of sugar every single day for years, possibly as long as a decade," ESPN's Baxter Holmes writes.
“Skittles, Starbursts, Rolos, Snickers, Mars bars, Twizzlers, Almond Joys, Kit Kats and oh, how he loved Reese's Pieces. He'd eat them before lunch, after lunch, before dinner, after dinner, and like any junkie, he had stashes all over -- in his kitchen, his bedroom, his car, a fix always within reach. (Shanahan) told his assistants to empty his house, and they hauled out his monstrous candy stash in boxes -- yes, boxes, plural.”
The full story "The NBA's Secret Addiction" can be read on ESPN.com.
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