In October, the New York Times published allegations of sexual harassment and assault against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

» RELATED: Sexual harassment in the workplace: What is it, how to report it and more you should know

And since then, multiple high-profile men in media, politics and other industries have faced allegations ranging from inappropriate behavior to forced sexual misconduct to rape.

Some — but not all — have been ousted from their companies or resigned themselves amid the allegations.

» RELATED: Why sex scandals are finally leading to consequences

A timeline of more than 40 sexual misconduct scandals against high-profile men since Weinstein:

Note: This list will be updated periodically. Included is the accusation, response and aftermath for each individual listed. This is not an exhaustive list of accusations.

Dec. 18:

Alex Kozinski — California federal court judge

  • Accusation: Accused of sexual harassment by 15 women, some of whom said he subjected them to unwanted sexual comments or physical contact, including kissing, hugging and groping, the Washington Post reported. The women included his own colleagues and others who met him at events. One woman, a clerk for a different judge at the time of the comment, said Kozinski suggested to colleagues that she exercise naked.
  • Response: Kozinski partially apologized but also framed some of the accusations as a misunderstanding. In a statement released by his attorney, Kozinski said: "I've always had a broad sense of humor and a candid way of speaking to both male and female law clerks alike. In doing so, I may not have been mindful enough of the special challenges and pressures that women face in the workplace. It grieves me to learn that I caused any of my clerks to feel uncomfortable; this was never my intent. For that, I sincerely apologize."
  • Aftermath: Following the accusations reported by the Washington Post last week, the current chief judge began a misconduct inquiry into Kozinski. Kozinski abruptly retired following the inquiry. "I cannot be an effective judge and simultaneously fight this battle," he said in the statement. "Nor would such a battle be good for my beloved federal judiciary. And so I am making the decision to retire, effective immediately."

Dec. 15:

Gene Simmons — Bassist for band KISS

  • Accusation: Accused of "unwanted, unwarranted sexual advances," sexual battery, gender violence, battery and assault toward a radio and television broadcaster during a Nov. 1 interview at San Manuel Casino in Highland, California. The allegations were filed in a lawsuit Friday.
  • Response: Simmons denied all allegations on social media. "Friends, I intend to defend myself against any alleged charges you may have been reading about in the media," he wrote. "For the record, I did not assault the person making these accusations in the manner alleged in the complaint or harm her in any way. I am conferring with my lawyers with the aim of vigorously countering the allegations. And I look forward to my day in court where the evidence will prove my innocence."
  • Aftermath: No fallouts of note as of Monday, Dec. 18.

Dec. 13:

Morgan Spurlock — Hollywood director

  • Accusation: Spurlock started the national conversation around his name by sharing a blog post on Dec. 13 in which he admitted to a history of sexual misconduct. He wrote about a rape accusation in college, a sexual harassment suit that was settled and how he cheated on all his romantic partners, including both of his wives.
  • Response: "I am part of the problem," he wrote. "As I sit around watching hero after hero, man after man, fall at the realization of their past indiscretions, I don't sit by and wonder 'who will be next?' I wonder, 'when will they come for me?'"
  • Aftermath: YouTube Red, the company's subscription service, canceled the release of Spurlock's "Super Size Me 2." He had stepped down from the production company behind the film, Warrior Poets. The company has also removed the film from the Sundance film festival and Spurlock has been cut from Stephanie Soechtig's documentary, "The Devil We Know," also due next month at the Sundance Film Festival, TechCrunch reported.

Dec. 11:

Ryan Lizza — The New Yorker Magazine's Washington correspondent

  • Accusation: Accused of engaging in what the New Yorker Magazine called "improper sexual conduct." Here's what a spokeswomen for the magazine said in a statement, according to the New York Times: "The New Yorker recently learned that Ryan Lizza engaged in what we believe was improper sexual conduct. We have reviewed the matter and, as a result, have severed ties with Lizza. Due to a request for privacy, we are not commenting further."
  • Response: Lizza denied the allegations. "I am dismayed that The New Yorker has decided to characterize a respectful relationship with a woman I dated as somehow inappropriate," he told the New York Times via email. "The New Yorker was unable to cite any company policy that was violated."
  • Aftermath: Fired from the New Yorker Monday. Lizza also worked as an on air political commentator for CNN, but CNN said ina  statement that Lizza "will not appear on CNN while we look into this matter."

President Donald Trump 

  • Accusation: At least 13 women have accused Trump of sexual harassment and assault. Many of the accusations against him surfaced during the 2016 campaign after the release of a vulgar 2005 "Access Hollywood" video in which Trump talked about groping women. Following the wave of sexual harassment accusations in recent months, including allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, the president is back in the spotlight. In a news conference on "Megyn Kelly Today" on Dec. 11, three women shared accounts of being forcibly kissed, groped and fondled by Trump.
  • Response: Trump has denied all accusations. In a statement to NBC News Monday, Dec. 11, the White House called the claims "false" and that "the American people voiced their judgment by delivering a decisive victory" to Trump last year.
  • Aftermath: No notable fallouts as of Dec. 11.

» RELATED: Trump accusers speak out on Megyn Kelly Today: 'Where do we draw the line?'

Mario Batali — TV star, renowned chef

  • Accusation: Multiple women anonymously alleged in a Eater New York story that Batali sexually harassed them. The publication said it spoke to dozens of people who worked with Batali. One woman said he "grabbed both of my breasts" and others said he asked about their sex lives and underwear.
  • Response: "I apologize to the people I have mistreated and hurt. Although the identities of most of the individuals mentioned in these stories have not been revealed to me, much of the behavior described does, in fact, match up with ways I have acted," Batali said in a statement. "That behavior was wrong and there are no excuses. I take full responsibility and am deeply sorry for any pain, humiliation or discomfort I have caused to my peers, employees, customers, friends and family."
  • Aftermath: Batali said he is stepping down from his company, Batali & Bastianich Hospitality Group, and from his daytime TV job on "The Chew" for an indefinite period. The Food Network has also suspended plans to revive Batali's famed show, "Molto Mario."

» RELATED: Chef Mario Batali leaves 'The Chew' amid sexual harassment allegations

Dec. 6:

Warren Moon — NFL Hall of Fame quarterback, co-founder and president of Sports 1 Marketing

  • Accusation: An assistant for his sports marketing firm, Wendy Haskell, accused him of making "unwanted and unsolicited" sexual advances as part of her role, according to a civil lawsuit. She alleged she was forced to sleep in the same bed with Moon on business trips while wearing lingerie and when she complained, Moon said "this was the way it was." Haskell also claimed she was also drugged at one point and when she made complaints, she was demoted. (Associated Press)
  • Response: "Warren Moon has yet to be served with the lawsuit filed by Wendy Haskell, but he is aware of the claims contained in it," Moon's attorney, Daniel Fears, said in a statement Thursday, Dec. 7. "Mr. Moon denies the claims by Ms. Haskell. Mr. Moon contends these claims are meritless, and he has every intention to vigorously defend himself in court."
  • Aftermath: Moon said he was taking a leave of absence from his current job as a member of the Seattle Seahawks' game-day broadcasting team, according to NBC Sports. He has not yet been served with the lawsuit filed.

Dec. 1:

Ruben Kihuen  — U.S. House of Representatives (D-Nev.)

  • Accusation: Sexual harassment of a staffer during his campaign between December 2015 and April 2016. She said he propositioned her for dates and sex despite her repeated rejections. On two occasions, she said he touched her thighs without consent, BuzzFeed News reported Friday.
  • Response: Kihuen's congressional office released a statement to BuzzFeed News Friday, which included an apology for the staffer, who he called "a valued member of my team." Later, however, the office reached out and said he wanted to "make it clear that I don't recall any of the circumstances."
  • Aftermath: No fallouts of note as of Monday, Dec. 4.

Blake Farenthold — U.S. House of Representatives (R-Texas)

  • Accusation: Details emerged Friday showing Farenthold used $84,000 in taxpayer funds to secretly settle a confidential sexual harassment case. The 2014 allegations came from former communications director Lauren Greene, who accused him of making explicit lewd comments and illegally firing her after she complained about the mistreatment. The uncovered settlement is part of an investigation of sexual harassment and discrimination in Congress.
  • Response: Farenthold denied the accusations in the lawsuit, which included a "strict confidentiality" agreement between the parties. In 2015, when it was settled and dismissed, he said he was "glad to put this behind me and move forward." On Friday, he issued a statement: "While I 100% support more transparency with respect to claims against members of Congress, I can neither confirm nor deny that settlement involved my office as the Congressional Accountability Act prohibits me from answering that question."
  • Aftermath: According to the New York Times, Farenthold's statement "is sure to spark new calls to pass bipartisan legislation that would release the parties to Office of Compliance settlements from the mandatory nondisclosure agreements that come with them." No other fallout as of Friday evening.

Nov. 30:

Russell Simmons — Entrepreneur, co-founder of Def Jam Recordings

  • Accusation:  Simmons is accused of rape by three women; the accounts were published  in the New York Times on Dec. 13. In a guest column for Hollywood Reporter in November, Jenny Lumet, daughter of director and screenwriter Sidney Lumet, accused Simmons of forced sex and harassment in 1991.
  • Response:  Simmons, 60, said in a statement to the New York Times about the three rape accusations: "I vehemently deny all these allegations. These horrific accusations have shocked me to my core and all of my relations have been consensual." In response to Lumet's column, Simmons said: "I have been informed with great anguish of Jenny Lumet's recollection about our night together in 1991. I know Jenny and her family and have seen her several times over the years since the evening she described. While her memory of that evening is very different from mine, it is now clear to me that her feelings of fear and intimidation are real. While I have never been violent, I have been thoughtless and insensitive in some of my relationships over many decades and I sincerely and humbly apologize." Read the full statement.
  • Aftermath: Simmons is stepping down from his companies, including music label Def Jam Recordings, Rush Communications and his multiple fashion lines.

» RELATED: Russell Simmons stepping down from companies after sexual assault allegation

Nov. 29:

Garrison Keillor — Creator and former host of "A Prairie Home Companion"

  • Accusation: Inappropriate behavior with a woman who worked with him during the production of "A Prairie Home Companion." Minnesota Public Radio retained an outside law firm for an independent investigation of the allegations.
  • Response: In a statement to the Associated Press, Keillor said he was fired over "a story that I think is more interesting and more complicated than the version MPR heard."
  • Aftermath: MPR is terminating its contracts with Keillor. Investigation is still ongoing.

» RELATED: Garrison Keillor accused of inappropriate behavior, fired by Minnesota Public Radio

Matt Lauer — NBC "Today" show morning host

  • Accusation: NBC News specified few details, but noted a complaint from a colleague about Lauer's inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. reported later that day that multiple women accused Lauer of harassment, including exposing himself, giving a colleague an explicit sex toy and making inappropriate comments.
  • Response: Lauer issued a statement the following day, which former colleague Savannah Guthrie read aloud on the "Today" show. "There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry. As I am writing this I realize the depth of the damage and disappointment I have left behind at home and at NBC." Read the full statement.
  • Aftermath: In its memo about Lauer's misconduct, NBC News announced it had terminated his employment.

More Lauer news:

Nov. 22:

Nick Carter — Backstreet Boys member

  • Accusation: Accused of rape approximately 15 years ago by Melissa Schuman, former pop singer of the girl group Dream
  • Response: Allegations denied. "I am shocked and saddened by Ms. Schuman's accusations. Melissa never expressed to me while we were together or at any time since that anything we did was not consensual."
  • Aftermath: Nothing of note as of Nov. 30.

Nov. 21:

John Lasseter — Pixar and Disney Animation chief

  • Accusation: Accused by several women of unwanted touching.
  • Response: Acknowledged some "missteps" with employees and apologized for any behavior that made workers uncomfortable. "No matter how benign my intent, everyone has the right to set their own boundaries and have them respected."
  • Aftermath: Lasseter said he is taking a six-month leave of absence to take better care of himself, recharge and "ultimately return with the insight and perspective I need to be the leader you deserve."

» RELATED: Survey shows 1 in 3 men don't think catcalling is sexual harassment

Nov. 20:

Charlie Rose — PBS and CBS host

  • Accusation: Accused by several women of unwanted sexual advances, groping and grabbing women, walking naked in front of them or making lewd phone calls.
  • Response: He has apologized for his behavior but has questioned the accuracy of some of the accounts. "It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am greatly embarrassed. I have behaved insensitively at times. I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate."
  • Aftermath: Fired from CBS, PBS cut ties and multiple universities rescinded his accolades.

» RELATED: Charlie Rose fired from CBS amid sexual harassment allegations; PBS cuts ties with newsman

Glenn Thrush — New York Times White House reporter

  • Accusation: Accused of making drunken, unwanted advances on multiple women
  • Response: He disputes some of the accusations but has said he had had a drinking problem and apologized for "any situation where I behaved inappropriately."
  • Aftermath: Suspended from the New York Times. "We intend to fully investigate and while we do, Glenn will be suspended," Times officials said.

» RELATED: New York Times suspends reporter Glenn Thrush amid sexual misconduct claims

John Conyers  — U.S. Senator (D-Mich.)

  • AccusationBuzzFeed reported on a 2015 harassment settlement for $27,000 between the senator and a former staffer. More staffers have spoken out since. The Washington Post later unveiled a case of harassment involving a D.C. ethics lawyer.
  • Response: Conyers has denied the allegations and in his statement, he said "the mere making of an allegation does not mean it is true." "I have long been and continue to be a fierce advocate for equality in the workplace and I fully support the rights of employees who believe they have been harassed or discriminated against to assert claims against their employers, he said.
  • Aftermath: Rep. John Conyers, the longest-serving member of Congress, submitted his resignation Tuesday, Dec. 5. Earlier that day, he announced plans to retire amid the allegations and amid concerns for his health. Conyers endorsed his son, John Conyers III, to replace him.

» RELATED: The Latest: Political consultant says Conyers in hospital

Nov. 16:

Al Franken — U.S. Senator (D-Minn.)

  • Accusation: Los Angeles news anchor Leeann Tweeden accused Franken of kissing her forcibly and groping her as she slept during a USO tour in 2006. Franken was photographed with his hands over her breasts as she slept. He also has been accused by several other women since the initial allegation was made public.
  • Response: "I don't know what was in my head when I took that picture, and it doesn't matter," Franken said in a statement. "There's no excuse. I look at it now and I feel disgusted with myself. It isn't funny. It's completely inappropriate. It's obvious how Leeann would feel violated by that picture."
  • Aftermath: Franken announced his resignation Thursday, Dec. 7 and said he would leave the Senate in coming weeks. "I may be resigning my seat, but I'm not giving up my voice," he said. Earlier, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called for an Ethics Committee investigation. Franken had dismissed questions about his resignation and promised to cooperate with the ethics investigation. He also canceled an Atlanta book tour and was cut from a PBS special.

» RELATED: Al Franken: What happens to his Senate seat if he resigns?

» RELATED: President Trump comments on Senator Franken's groping photo

Nov. 10:

Gary Goddard — CEO of The Goddard Group, behind the creation of theme park attractions including the Georgia Aquarium and the Monster Plantation ride at Six Flags Over Georgia

  • Accusation: Sexual assault of minors, including "ER" actor Anthony Edwards. Edwards alleged that at age 15, Goddard molested him and raped his best friend.
  • Response: He has denied the allegations.
  • Aftermath: Taking leave from his company.

Eddie Berganza — Editor of DC Comics

  • Accusation: Sexual harassment, including groping and forcibly kissing women at least two women.
  • Response: Berganza has not issued a response as of Nov. 29.
  • Aftermath: Fired by Warner Bros. Television Group and DC Entertainment.

Andrew Kreisberg — Executive producer of "Arrow," "Supergirl," "The Flash"

  • Accusation: Accused by 19 women of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching.
  • Response: He denied the allegations and told Variety he has made comments on women's appearances and clothes "but they were not sexualized." "Like many people, I have given someone a nonsexual hug or kiss on the cheek," he said.
  • Aftermath: Suspended by Warner Bros. Television Group.

Nov. 9:

Louis C.K. — Comedian

  • Accusation: Accused by five women of sexual misconduct
  • Response: "These stories are true. At the time, I said to myself that what I did was okay because I never showed a woman my (expletive) without asking first, which is also true. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your (expletive) isn't a question. It's a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly."
  • Aftermath: Planned release of film "I Love You, Daddy" halted. Netflix special canceled. Ties with FX and HBO cut off.

» RELATED: Louis C.K. loses FX, Netflix gigs after remorseful acknowledgment of sexual misconduct

Roy Moore — Alabama judge and politician, U.S. Senate candidate (R.-Ala.)

  • Accusation: Accused of sexually assaulting two women decades ago when they were teenagers; about a half-dozen other women have accused Moore of inappropriate conduct.
  • Response: Allegations denied. "This is an effort by Mitch McConnell and his cronies to steal this election from the people of Alabama and they will not stand for it!"
  • Aftermath: He has rebuffed pressure from national Republican leaders to step aside. The state GOP is standing by him. The Republican National Committee withdrew financing.

» RELATED: What we know about ex-Atlanta woman accused of fake Roy Moore story

Matthew Weiner — "Mad Men" creator

  • Accusation: Accused by former "Mad Men" writer Kater Gordon of sexual harassment. Gordon said Weiner told her she "owed it to him to let him see her naked," and that she was fired from "Mad Men" a year later.
  • Response: Allegations denied. Weiner's representative said in a sttement that he "does not remember saying this comment nor does it reflect a comment he would say to any colleague."
  • Aftermath: Weiner canceled two appearances following the allegations.

Nov. 8:

Jeffrey Tambor — Actor

  • Accusation: Two women — an actress on his show "Transparent" and his assistant — allege sexual misconduct.
  • Response: He denies the allegation, saying in a statement that he has "never been a predator — ever." Tambor also said his assistant was disgruntled. "I've already made clear my deep regret if any action of mine was ever misinterpreted by anyone as being aggressive, but the idea that I would deliberately harass anyone is simply and utterly untrue."
  • Aftermath: Tambor said this week he doesn't see how he can return to the Amazon series "Transparent," which heavily implies but doesn't confirm his departure.

» RELATED: Tambor doesn't see how he can return to 'Transparent'

Nov. 7

Ed Westwick — Actor known for "Gossip Girl"

  • Accusation: Accused by two women of sexual assault, including actress Kristina Cohen and former actress Aurelie Wynn.
  • Response: He denies the allegations. "I have never forced myself in any manner, on any women. I certainly have never committed rape." Westwick said he is cooperating with the authorities to have his name cleared as soon as possible.
  • Aftermath: The BBC pulled an Agatha Christie adaptation from its television schedule and halted production on a second sitcom starring the former "Gossip Girl' actor. Los Angeles police are investigating.

Nov. 3:

David Guillod — Primary Wave Entertainment co-CEO

  • Accusation: Three women, including actress Jessica Barth accused Guillod of drugging and sexually assaulting them. Another said he raped her.
  • Response: Guillod denied all accusations. "Mr. Guillod is saddened by these false and malicious claims," a publicist for Guillod told TheWrap.
  • Aftermath: Guillod is taking a leave of absence from Primary Wave Entertainment.

Nov. 1:

Dustin Hoffman — Actor

  • Accusation: Accused by writer Anna Graham Hunter of sexual harassment when she was 17. She was working as an intern on a  production set of one of his films. Also accused by a second woman, Wendy Riss Gatsiounis, of misconduct when she was a struggling playwright in her 20s.
  • Response: Hoffman has only responded to Hunter's allegation. "I have the utmost respect for women and feel terrible that anything I might have done could have put her in an uncomfortable situation," the statement said. "I am sorry. It is not reflective of who I am."
  • Aftermath: The actor presented an award at the Hollywood Film Awards in Beverly Hills, California, on Nov. 6. There was no acknowledgment of the recent allegations.

Jeff Hoover — Kentucky House Speaker

  • Accusation: Accused of sexual harassment by a GOP caucus staffer and settled the claims in October.
  • Response: Hoover denied the harassment allegation but said he sent consensual yet inappropriate text messages. "I engaged in banter that was consensual but make no mistake it was wrong on my part to do that. And for that, I am truly sorry. … I want to reiterate that at no time, at no time did I engage in unwelcome or unwanted conduct of any kind."
  • Aftermath: Settled a sexual harassment claim from the GOP caucus staffer. Stepped down as speaker. Remains in the legislature.

» RELATED: Former Kentucky speaker hospitalized following resignation

Brett Ratner — Filmmaker

  • Accusation: Accused by at least six women of sexual harassment, including actresses Natasha Henstridge and Olivia Munn.
  • Response: He denies the allegations and is suing his rape accuser for libel. A statement from an attorney of Ratner: "We are confident that his name will be cleared once the current media frenzy dies down and people can objectively evaluate the nature of these claims."
  • Aftermath: Playboy shelved projects with Ratner and Ratner stepped away from Warner Bros.-related activities.

Oct. 31:

Andy Dick — Comedian

  • Accusation: There are at least four accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct against Dick from production members on set of independent feature film "Raising Buchanan," according to Hollywood Reporter. Dick is known for his "outlandish antics" over the years, including exposing himself in public. "My middle name is 'misconduct,'" he joked.
  • Response: "I didn't grope anybody. I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them. ... I'm not trying to sexually harass people."
  • Aftermath: Fired from film.

Michael Oreskes — NPR chief editor

  • Accusation: Accused of inappropriate behavior or sexual harassment by at least four women while at the New York Times, NPR and the Associated Press.
  • Response: "I am deeply sorry to the people I hurt. My behavior was wrong and inexcusable, and I accept full responsibility," he said in a statement.
  • Aftermath: Resigned from NPR.

Oct. 30:

Hamilton Fish — New Republic president and publisher

  • Accusation: Multiple sexual harassment allegations by female employees.
  • Response: "Women have longstanding and profound concerns with respect to their treatment in the workplace. Many men have a lot to learn in this regard. I know I do, and I hope for and encourage that new direction," Fish wrote in an email to magazine owner Win McCormack.
  • Aftermath: He resigned from the magazine.

Jeremy Piven  — Actor

  • Accusation: Accused by three women of sexual misconduct. Former Playboy model and reality star Ariane Bellamar penned a series of tweets describing the harassment.
  • Response: He denies all allegations. "Let me begin by saying that the accusations against me are absolutely false and completely fabricated," Piven said in a statement. "I would never force myself on a woman. Period. I have offered to take a polygraph to support my innocence. I keep asking myself, 'How does one prove something didn't happen?'"
  • Aftermath: A representative said he's looking at legal options. According to TVLine, CBS is reportedly ending its drama "Wisdom of the Crowd," in which Piven is the lead actor.

» RELATED: Kevin Spacey apologizes after allegation of decades-old attack, says he is gay

Oct. 29:

Kevin Spacey — Actor

  • Accusation: Accused by at least 24 men of sexual misconduct or assault, including with then-14-year-old actor Anthony Rapp in 1986.
  • Response: Spacey apologized for "what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior" if Rapp's acconts are indeed accurate. In his controversial statement, Spacey also said after having relationships with both men and women over the years, he's decided to "choose now to live as a gay man."
  • Aftermath: Fired from hit Netflix series "House of Cards" and replaced in Ridley Scott's completed film "All the Money in the World." Massachusetts prosecutors are investigating one allegation. His former publicist has said he is seeking unspecified treatment.

» RELATED: Kevin Spacey's career going down like a house of…

Oct. 26:

Ken Baker — E! News correspondent

  • Accusation: Sexual harassment of two women, including unwanted kissing and inappropriate comments.
  • Response: Denied allegations. "I am very disturbed by these anonymous allegations, which make my heart ache. I take them very seriously," Baker said in a statement to TheWrap. "I care deeply for people's feelings and sincerely live in a way that treats people with dignity and respect."
  • Aftermath: Pulled from air while NBCUniversal cabler E! investigates the claims.

Mark Halperin — MSNBC political analyst, co-author of "Game Change"

  • Accusation: Accused of harassing about 12 women while at ABC News.
  • Response: He has denied some of the allegations. "I am profoundly sorry for the pain and anguish I have caused by my past actions. I apologize sincerely to the women I mistreated." Full statement on Twitter.
  • Aftermath: Dismissed from MSNBC and NBC News and book contract terminated. His upcoming book's HBO adaptation was canceled as well.

Oct. 25:

Knight Landesman — Artforum publisher

  • Accusation: Accused by at least nine women of sexual harassment, including groping and sued by one woman.
  • Response: "I fully recognize that I have tested certain boundaries, which I am working hard to correct," he told artnet News in an email.
  • Aftermath: He has resigned from the magazine.

Oct. 24

Leon Wieseltier — New Republic editor

  • Accusation: Accused of sexually harassing numerous women.
  • Response: "For my offenses against some of my colleagues in the past I offer a shaken apology and ask for their forgiveness," he wrote in an emailed statement to the New York Times.
  • Aftermath: Removed from the masthead of The Atlantic magazine, fired from Emerson Collective.

Oct. 23:

Terry Richardson — Fashion photographer

  • Accusation: Inappropriate sexual behavior with multiple models at photoshoots for almost two decades.
  • Response: Richardson has dnied the allegations. "I collaborated with consenting adult women who were fully aware of the nature of the work and, as is typical with any project, everyone signed releases," he said in a previous statement. "I have never used an offer of work or a threat of rebuke to coerce someone into something that they did not want to do."
  • Aftermath: Banned from working with Vogue, other Condé Nast publications.

» RELATED: Putin crony sides with Harvey Weinstein, says America is too uptight

Oct. 22:

James Toback — Writer-director

  • Accusation: Accused by hundreds of women of sexual harassment, including actresses
  • Response: He has denied the allegations to the Los Angeles Times and said he had never met the women or, if he did, it "was for five minutes and have no recollection." Toback also repeatedly claimed that for the last 22 years, it had been "biologically impossible" for him to engage in the behavior described by his accusers, the LA Times reported.
  • Aftermath: Beverly Hills police investigating complaints. Toback's longtime agent, former ICM chief Jeff Berg, terminated his relationship with him.

Oct. 21:

John Besh — Celebrity chef, chief executive of Besh Restaurant Group

  • Accusation: Accused by 25 women of sexual harassment
  • Response: "I alone am entirely responsible for my moral failings. This is not the way the head of a company like ours should have acted, let alone a husband and father."
  • Aftermath: He has stepped down from the Besh Restaurant Group.

Oct. 19:

Lockhart Steele — Editorial director, Vox Media

  • Accusation: Accused of sexually harassment of at least one person, including unwanted kissing.
  • Response: In a message to its employees, Vox Media's chief executive said Lock admitted to "engaging in conduct that is inconsistent with our core values and will not be tolerated."
  • Aftermath: Fired immediately.

Oct. 17:

Chris Savino — Nickelodeon producer

  • Accusation: Accused of harassing up to 12 women.
  • Response: Savino apologized in a Facebook statement that has now been taken down.  "I am deeply sorry and I am ashamed. Although it was never my intention, I now understand that the impact of my actions and communications created an unacceptable environment."
  • Aftermath: Fired from Nickelodeon. His show "The Loud House" is in its second season and will continue to air and proceed with production.

» RELATED: #MeToo: Women share harrowing accounts of sexual assault, harassment

Oct. 12:

Roy Price — Amazon executive

  • Accusation: Accused by Isa Hackett, an executive producer of the Amazon series "The Man in the High Castle," of sexual harassment.
  • Response: No official statement from Price.
  • Aftermath: Resigned from Amazon days after being suspended.

Oct. 10:

Ben Affleck — Actor

  • Accusation: Multiple women have come forward with accounts of harassment from Affleck. Actress Hilarie Burton revived a past sexual assault claim, accusing him of groping her breast during a visit to MTV's "TRL" in 2003. Actress Rose McGowan, one of the many women who've spoken out against Weinstein, also claimed Affleck was well aware of Weinstein's sexual misconduct.
  • Response: Affleck apologized to Burton via Twitter and wrote, "I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize." Speaking with the Associated Press, Affleck said he's "looking at my own behavior and addressing that and making sure I'm part of the solution."
  • Aftermath: Affleck said in an interview with Fox 5 that he's donating future residuals from any Weinstein or Miramax projects to groups benefitting independent film and victims of sexual assault.

» RELATED: Harvey Weinstein scandal: 'No way all these people could have been victims and men didn't know...'

Oct. 5:

Harvey Weinstein — Hollywood producer and co-founder of the Weinstein Company

  • Accusation: Weinstein is accused of raping three women. and is accused of sexual assault and harassment of dozens of others dating back to the 1980s, including actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, Rose McGowan, Lupita, Nyong'o, Angelina Jolie, Lena Headey and Lisa Rose. In November, Weinstein was accused of sex trafficking by aspiring actress Kadian Noble, who is suing him. In an op-ed published Wednesday, Dec. 13 by the New York Timesactress Salma Hayek detailed some of the most vivid accounts yet of alleged abuse and harassment, including his demand for a sex scene with full frontal nudity in "Frida." According to Hayek, Weinstein even threated to kill her.
  • Response: The film producer denies charges that he raped one woman and forced another to perform oral sex. In response to Hayek's accusation, Weinstein released a statement to USA Today via spokeswoman Holly Baird and said "all of the sexual allegations as portrayed by Salma are not accurate and others who witnessed the events have a different account of what transpired." In October, Weinstein's spokeswoman Sallie Hofmeister said, "Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr Weinstein."
  • Aftermath: Harvey Weinstein will face criminal sex act and rape charges in a New York court, a law enforcement official said on Friday, May 25. The film producer will be charged with committing a criminal sex act in a 2004 encounter with an aspiring actress who told a magazine he forced her to perform oral sex. Weinstein will plead not guilty to charges of rape, criminal sex act, sex abuse and sexual misconduct, his attorney, Benjamin Braffman, said. Previously: Fired from the Weinstein Company and expelled from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Weinstein hired two defense lawyers after police found actress Paz de la Huerta's case against him credible. Police say he raped her twice in 2010.

» RELATED: What Hollywood's men are saying about Harvey Weinstein amid sexual harassment allegations

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Georgia Power's Plant Bowen in Cartersville is shown in this 2015 photo. (Hyosub Shin/Atlanta Journal-Constitution/TNS)
