Paris Accord wanted to curtail U.S. progress

Of course, Mayor Kasim Reed is not happy with President Trump’s announcement of a Paris pullout: He has to maintain his true liberal position and make noises that will satisfy his liberal constituents. The Paris Accord’s true agenda was to curtail America’s economic progress while allowing other countries to forge ahead using American tax dollars to do so. The accord was a larger version of redistribution of wealth, with Americans doing most of the distributing. Trump was elected because he promised to represent American citizens and businesses, not curtail our progress and at the same time send millions of dollars to other countries in order for them to compete against us.


Leaving Paris Accord a major error

As Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson said, science tells us that climate change is happening. Politics is about how we decide to address the problem. Denying that climate change is happening is not politics and not science, it is meaningless. Climate change will happen no matter what we say about it.

Addressing climate change will be good for our health now, and in the future. It will reduce air pollution now, and in the future. Less air pollution means fewer asthma attacks, fewer heart attacks, fewer heart arrhythmias and fewer people with respiratory difficulties. Less air pollution means less school absenteeism, less work absenteeism and more productivity.

Withdrawing from the Paris Accord guarantees more ill health for all of us. It means more air pollution, more extreme weather events, more infectious diseases, more heat illnesses, and less stable food sources. It is a major error that will harm all of us.


About the Author


Georgia Power's Plant Bowen in Cartersville is shown in this 2015 photo. (Hyosub Shin/Atlanta Journal-Constitution/TNS)
