President should stick to word on immigration
Having heard him in Tuesday’s open meeting with congressional leaders focused on immigration policy, it is alarmingly clear that President Trump is having great difficulty keeping a continuous train of thought on inflicting another immigration amnesty on Americans who trusted him on the issue.
President Trump should seek guidance from candidate Trump on amnesty for illegal immigrants and remember that it was his relentless pro-American promises on immigration that got him elected.
“We will break the cycle of amnesty and illegal immigration. There will be no amnesty. Our message to the world will be this: You cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country,” said Donald Trump in August 2016.
I am thumbing through the “Art of the Deal” to find where expert author Trump advises less-skilled negotiators to say “I’ll sign whatever you bring me” as he did Tuesday.
Expanding Medicaid the boost Ga. needs
When it comes to helping rural Georgians, Republicans’ words ring hollow. If they really cared, the first thing they would do is expand Medicaid — which would provide affordable health care — keep hospitals open, create over 50,000 jobs throughout the state and boost local economies. This would be a much bigger bang for the buck than massive tax cuts given to businesses with no guarantee of an equivalent return. Why pay people to move to rural Georgia when they would gladly move there for health-care jobs? And wouldn’t medical service expansion require internet service, something desperately needed in rural communities? The answer to rural Georgia’s problems has been staring us in the face for years now. If only Republicans would step up to the plate and do the right thing.
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