The new terminal's price tag exceeded $1.4 billion. Airport work is funded through a combination of passenger facility charges, airline lease and landing fee payments, revenue from airport operations like concessions and parking, and federal grants. The revenue streams are often used to back bonds or other financing.
Here are some of the big-ticket items:
Terminal and concourse structures, people mover tunnels to connect to rest of airport: $817,227,958
Expansion of Concourse E central expansion for heating/cooling for international terminal: $5,049,056
People mover system expansion: $65,510,514
Pavement surrounding Concourse F and aircraft fueling system at gates: $103,339,936
Underground utilities and fill to prepare site and bring to airport elevation: $100,039,308
Terminal roadways/Maynard H. Jackson Boulevard: $102,753,501
Commercial vehicle hold lot: $8,855,581
Hourly parking structure: $32,089,558
Interstate signs: $11,798,592
Relocation of groundwater monitoring wells to enable roadway construction: $925,505
Georgia Power substation relocation: $32,485,180
Relocation of airfield site utilities and other infrastructure surround the international terminal site: $47,901,274
Relocation of the US Post Office, demolition of old cargo facilities, replace Delta parking area taken for roadway construction: $60,536,823
Total: $1,388,512,785.
Management reserve: $25,000,000
Total costs: $1,413,512,785
Source: Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, summary budget, revised June 28, 2011.
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