Browsing a classifieds-style page on Facebook or clicking through Craigslist, you stumble upon an item you want, or maybe a pair of tickets, but you’re reluctant to purchase because you aren’t sure how safe it is to meet the seller face-to-face. What if they aren’t who they say they are?
Shopping on the internet can be easy, but through some websites it can be sketchy and dangerous.
The Roswell Police Department wants to make your transaction safer and is offering up its police station as a secure location where buyers and sellers can make these trades.
"When responding to an ad, such as Craigslist, OfferUp, and various garage sale sites to purchase an item, ask the individual to meet you at our police station. If they don't want to meet you here, then you should take that as a warning not to conduct business with that person," a Facebook post from the police department reads.
The lobby at the police station is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Roswell Police Department is at 39 Hill Street in Roswell.
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READ: Craigslist danger - Safe spots to buy and sell, and other tips
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