Duluth and Gwinnett County DOT have agreed on an Intergovernmental Agreement for the 2017 Joint City/County SPLOST Transportation Projects. The city will provide 19 percent, or $1,033,102, of its SPLOST funds for the projects, with the county covering the remaining $4,404,275, or 81 percent.
The projects chosen by the city for improvements include a Main Street multi-use path from Coleman Middle School to Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, the Rogers Bridge Road intersection at Main Street and the Bunten Road sidewalk from Old Peachtree Road to Mason Elementary School.
Additional projects include adding a signal at the State Route 120/Abbotts Bridge Road intersection at George Rogers Avenue, and straightening the angle at the Pine Needle Drive intersection at State Route 120/Abbotts Bridge Road.
The funds will also include work on the Western Gwinnett Bikeway multi-use path west of Rogers Bridge Road.
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