The City of College Park recently approved the proposed fiscal year 2017-2018 budget allocating $25,000 for park equipment at Phillips Park. The city also approved at its regular meeting a review of final parks improvements for the current fiscal year, which ends June 30.

As part of a number of park improvements, the City of College Park’s recreation department is resurfacing the Bill Badgett Stadium track, work that is expected to take several weeks, the city said. In the meantime, Woodward Academy is giving the city use of its track for the summer track program.

Recreational parks and facilities aren’t the only improvements the city is considering. Along with Atlanta’s Department of Aviation, College Park said it is looking at making aesthetic upgrades at the entrance to the 150-acre business park located at Clipper Drive and Godby Road, to update things such as signage and branding. The city said the Department of Aviation has launched a nationwide selection process to commission an artist to develop a sculpture for the entrance.