Cherokee leases church gym for youth basketball

Cherokee Youth Basketball offers programs for children from kindergarten through 12th grade. It will continue using the gym at Trinity Presbyterian Church in the Free Home area. CHEROKEE YOUTH BASKETBALL

Cherokee Youth Basketball offers programs for children from kindergarten through 12th grade. It will continue using the gym at Trinity Presbyterian Church in the Free Home area. CHEROKEE YOUTH BASKETBALL

The Cherokee County Board of Commissioners has approved a lease to continue using a church gymnasium in unincorporated Free Home for Cherokee Youth Basketball.

The program has used the gym of the Charles C. Hite Community Center at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1136 Trinity Church Road, for the last four years. The lease is necessary because more children have registered for basketball than elementary school gymnasiums in the area can accommodate, according to an agenda summary.

“We have a great deal of children who have registered, and we’d like to have this facility to accommodate their needs,” County Manager Jerry W. Cooper told the board. “This will be for three seasons, for approximately $5,800 per season, which will be paid through program user fees.”

Cherokee Youth Basketball is offered by the Cherokee Recreation & Parks Agency.
