We asked candidates running in next month’s city, school and municipal elections to explain why you should vote for them. In addition to asking them questions about their experience and their stand on prominent issues, we asked some candidates to tell us which television character with whom they most identify. See where candidates stand on important issues, and who has a lot in common with Batman.

Berkeley Lake 

Special Referendum Election

Shall the issuance of licenses for the package sale of distilled spirits be approved?



Name: Bill Orr (i)

Town Council Member Seat 2

Name: Peggy B. Slappey (i)

Town Council Member Seat 4

Name: Robert Clark

Name: Hardy Johnson

Hardy Johnson
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Age: 71

Residence: Chateau Elan

Profession: Retired

What experience will help you in office? Community involvement experience:

- Serves and supports Braselton's NE Ga Medical Center Foundation Cabinet campaign

- Member Braselton Rotary Club

- Serves on Downtown Development Authority Braselton, promoting Braselton as a great place to live, work, and play

Life experience

- Native Georgian, Born in Fitzgerald, Georgia

- Eagle Scout at age 14

- Attended Georgia State University at night for 8 years- earning BBA & MBA

- Married for 51 years to wife, Donna

- Two children, four Grandchildren

Career experience

- President of Tarmac America in Florida for 20 years responsible for all aspects of business including 2,500 employees, 49 concrete plants, nine block plants, largest cement plant on East Coast and fifth largest aggregate facility.  (edited for length)

What issue got you into this race? The growth in Braselton should be reasonable, responsible and orderly. With growth, we must ensure that our police are adequately trained, properly equipped and sufficiently staffed. Braselton government must be effective and efficient. Our infrastructure must be updated to improve traffic situation.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Frank Reagan, "Blue Bloods," because of his devotion to family and his dogged dedication to a challenging responsibility.

Website: www.vote4hardy.com

Email: hardybjohnson@gmail.com


City Commissioner (To Succeed Chris Burge)

Chris Burge
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Name: Chris Burge (i)

Age: 57

Residence: Buford

Profession: Owner Buford Brake & Lube (30 years)

What experience will help you in office? I have held this seat for 25 years, a position that I have never taken for granted and always said I would stay as long as the citizens of Buford would allow me.

What issue got you into this race? The love for the City of Buford and the past generations and the generations to come. We all strive for triple A excellence. To continue to push our city and schools to be the best in everything we do.

Which current television character do you identify most with? None, I do not see the relevance of this question.

Email: lcburge@hotmail.com

Name: Gary A. Ingram

City Commissioner (To Succeed Michael Smith)

Name: Bradley W. Weeks

Bradley Weeks
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Age: 36

Residence: Buford

Profession: Real estate broker/ property management

What experience will help you in office? I have served on the City of Buford Zoning Board of Appeals for the last five years. I have also served on the Gwinnett County Housing Authority for the last six years.

What issue got you into this race? I am very proud of the success Buford is having. We live in a great town and I want to make sure Buford continues in the same direction.

Which current television character do you identify most with? I don't watch a lot of current television shows. If I had to pick it would probably be one of the settlers trying to make it in Alaska. I love being outdoors and working outdoors.

Email: BradWWeeks@hotmail.com

Board of Education (To Succeed Pat Pirkle)

Name: Pat Pirkle (i)

Board of Education (To Succeed J. Bruce Fricks)

Name: J. Bruce Fricks (i)



Name: Jimmy Wilbanks (i)

Jimmy Wilbanks
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Age: 75

Residence: Dacula RD

Profession: Retired from state government

What experience will help you in office? My nearly 20 years as mayor. My 34 years of public service for Georgia citizens.

What issue got you into this race? Continuing service

Which current television character do you identify most with? I don't identify with any TV character.

Website: Electjimmywilbanks.com

Email: jimmy.wilbanks@daculaga.gov

Council Member (To Succeed Donna Barber Peairs)

Name: Donna Barber Peairs (i)

Name: Daniel R. Spain

Age: 59

Residence: South Dacula subdivision

Profession: Semi-retired, part time at Queen of Hearts antiques

What experience will help you in office? Fifty-nine years in the city of Dacula. 37 years in manufacturing with many of those years in a leadership role.

What issue got you into this race? Wanting to get the citizens more involved in the city operations.

Which current television character do you identify most with? none

Email: spaindrs4@bellsouth.net

Facebook: Danny Spain

Council Member (To Succeed Wendell Holcombe)

Name: Wendell Holcombe (i)


City Council Post 1

Name: Marsha A. Bomar (i)

Marsha Bomar
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Age: 65

Residence: Downtown Duluth

Profession: Transportation engineer

What experience will help you in office? My diverse background, which includes 45 years as an engineer and planner, more than 20 years as a multiple business owner, extensive training in municipal governance, and volunteer service including chairing the United Way campaign twice are a few of the elements of my background that help me be effective in service on Council. I also have extensive professional experience in community engagement, which helps me work with all people and groups.

What issue got you into this race? I have been serving and want to see some of the big projects through to conclusion.

Which current television character do you identify most with? "Madame Secretary." She is a strong, strategic, savvy character and I aspire to be like that.

Email: mbomar@duluthga.net

Twitter: streetsmartsmom

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marsha.bomar

City Council Post 2

Name: Kirkland Dion Carden

Kirkland Carden
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Age: 29

Residence: Riverbrooke subdivision

Profession: Transportation planner with the Georgia Department of Transportation

What experience will help you in office? I have served my community as a member of the Duluth Urban Redevelopment Authority, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the 2016 Citizen's Budget Review Advisory Committee. These experiences taught me the value of listening to all sides, analyzing problems, and finding effective solutions for them. I'll bring these skills with me to the City Council.

As a city planner, I have a robust knowledge of city affairs, such as local zoning codes, and development processes. I will utilize this knowledge when elected to the City Council.

What issue got you into this race? As a longtime resident of our city, I have seen our city grow and become more diverse over time. I believe our city must do all it can to welcome this diversity, and use it as a catalyst rather than a barrier. In a personal capacity, I've volunteered on multiple efforts around civic engagement, as well as fostering youth engagement with government.

As our city becomes more diverse, we need forward thinking leadership that strives to meet the unique needs of each of our residents. I believe my experiences adequately qualify me to address these challenges, and it’s something I’ll do. (edited for length)

Which current television character do you identify most with? Rick Grimes from "The Walking Dead." Rick is a take-charge type of guy that takes care of his own.

Website: https://www.kirkland4duluth.com

Email: kirk@kirkland4duluth.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kirkland_Carden

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirkforduluth/

Name: James T. "Jim" Dugan (i)

Jim Dugan
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Age: 65

Residence: Carriage Gate

Profession: Retired

What experience will help you in office? Being the incumbent, I already have years of leadership and decision making experience in city government. I've also received the "Certificate of Distinction" award for 204-plus hours of municipal training through the University of Georgia. This training makes me a more valuable asset to our city. Not just about ideas but knowing how to bring those ideas to fruition.

My analytical skills, as a former project leader/business analyst, help me to look at issues openly and objectively and to determine the right actions to be taken to obtain the best outcome for our citizens.

What issue got you into this race? I'm the incumbent seeking re-election. I desire to continue serving and working for Duluth citizens by providing positive leadership. By taking an active role in the decision-making processes, I can help enable our citizens to enjoy their community to its fullest and to take pride in calling Duluth their hometown.

I have been involved with our ongoing downtown revitalization and I want to continue to bring economic development to Duluth by attracting new businesses, building city/business partnerships, promote local arts as a major attraction, and continue to enhance our infrastructures.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Kiefer Sutherland - "Designated Survivor," President Tom Kirkman. He is not a "politician" but he's serving his country and doing what is honest, just, and right for all citizens. He has no preconceived agendas and handles each issue methodically.

Email: jdugan@duluthga.com

Name: Louis Tseng

City Council Post 3

Name: Billy Jones (i)



Name: Allison L. Wilkerson (i)

Allison Wilkerson
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Age: 44

Residence: Windsor Place

Profession: Real estate broker

What experience will help you in office? I was elected to the Grayson City Council in 2001, then became mayor in 2014. I have served as the president of the Gwinnett Municipal Association for two terms and currently sit on the Executive Committee. I also serve as an adviser for the Grayson Youth Leadership program, which is a joint effort between the City of Grayson and Grayson High School.

What issue got you into this race? Grayson is growing and I want to continue to cultivate smart growth.

Which current television character do you identify most with? I don't watch a lot of television.

Email: awilkerson@cityofgrayson.org

Council Member Post 2

Name: Robert (Bob) Foreman

Bob Foreman
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Age: 70

Residence: Olde Town Grayson

Profession: Architect

What experience will help you in office? Thirty-plus years as founder/owner of architectural firm in Gwinnett, 45 years as a licensed architect; 2014 graduate of Gwinnett Senior Leadership, currently serving as chairman of GSL Infrastructure Day; served as chairman of management team at Mountain Park First Baptist, group Bible study teacher and deacon; served on Olde Town Grayson Home Owners Association board and the Advisory Council; 1970 commissioned as officer in U.S Army Reserves; served Gwinnett community through Rotary Club of Duluth.

What issue got you into this race? Grayson should do everything possible to retain its small town character and charm, to avoid large commercial developments, to encourage appropriate land use, and to encourage quality residential development. In 2018 Grayson will be updating its Comprehensive Plan, a critical tool in maintaining the quality of life in Grayson. We should continue to enhance the town center area around the city park. Well designed small commercial development such as the RailYard project should be encouraged.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Why would I identify with a character on TV? TV is fantasy and make-believe, mixed in with entertainment pretending to be news. When I watch TV, it is often home remodeling shows on HGTV or DIY. I also like the History channel and the National Geographic

Website: www.BobForGrayson.com

Email: May be reached through contact page at listed web site, BobforGrayson.com.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/robertcforeman

Name: Donald Lawrence Thrower

Donald Thrower
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Age: 55

Residence: Pine Grove Village

Profession: Regional operations manager

What experience will help you in office? I've been in many different leadership rolls in my career. I listen to people's concerns without prejudice. You can always learn things from everyone you come across. I never let emotions get in the way of the facts at hand.

What issue got you into this race? No particular issue, this is something that has always intrigued me and I feel that there are many things to offer the citizens of Grayson. I'm a very good listener, coupled with being able to create ideas and solutions for any given situation.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Dave Kindig, I identify with his creativeness and caring of the end results.

Council Member Post 4

Name: Linda S. Jenkins (i)

Linda Jenkins
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Age: 73

Residence: Middleton subdivision

Profession: Retired educator; 38 years of teaching, 31 in Gwinnett Public Schools

What experience will help you in office? Previously served on the council during late 70s/early 80s. I have lived in Grayson my whole life and have a feel for what residents want from city government.

What issue got you into this race? Overseeing the orderly growth of Grayson, improving transportation issues, and making the city a beautiful place to live, work, and play.

Which current television character do you identify most with? .


City Council Post 3

Name: Eddie Price (i)

Eddie Price
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Age: 56

Residence: Woodfall subdivision

Profession: Small business owner

What experience will help you in office? A small business owner for almost 30 years, a member of the Lilburn Business Association for over 20 years. Twelve years on Lilburn city council, plus two years on the Lilburn zoning board of appeals. I have over 40 credit hours of municipal training, mostly in revitalization and municipal procedures. I have served on the Lilburn Downtown Development Authority for the last 10-plus years. I have made many contacts with other Gwinnett cities and the county to help partner with them to move Lilburn forward. This partnership built a new city hall and library ... (edited for length)

What issue got you into this race? Continue moving Lilburn forward, with ongoing revitalization of the Lilburn downtown area and highway 29. Improve quality of life by continuing our sidewalk initiative, greenway trail improvements, events in the park and adding more restaurants and other businesses.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Pride on "NCIS New Orleans," he is a person who puts others first, works with others to protect and serve those around him.

May not always be pretty but is successful.

Email: eprice@cityoflilburn.com

Name: Shabaka C. Fletcher

Shabaka Fletcher
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Age: 43

Residence: Lilburn

Profession: Neurobehavioral counselor

What experience will help you in office? Highly motivated; goal oriented and accomplishes results through influences verses direct control. Analytical thinker with ability to conduct research, data analysis and resolve complex problems quickly.

What issue got you into this race? Citizen protection

Which current television character do you identify most with? Wonder Women

Email: shabakalilburn@hotmail.com

Name: Philip (Phil) Holland

Phil Holland
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Age: 73

Residence: Hunter's Hill

Profession: Retired postmaster and real estate investor

What experience will help you in office? I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience while serving my country and community through military, federal, civic and charitable service. My strength is my ability to communicate with and work with diverse groups of people to achieve our objectives. I have budgeted, managed and directed small and large workforces. I have helped to plan and provided oversight for small and large real estate developments. I have owned, redeveloped and operated a very successful business and retail strip shopping center.

What issue got you into this race? The issues that got me into this race are the absence of retail development, fine dining and family restaurants within the city of Lilburn. Our residents are required to travel to neighboring cities that are more progressive and aggressive when it comes to pursuing investors. The lack of boutique shopping that if properly developed could make Lilburn a destination city. Lilburn needs a fresh vision. "It's Time For A Change" in leadership. My vision is to "Make Lilburn A Community Of Unity." Use the diversity of it's citizens to make Lilburn a place that other cities will envy.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Frank Reagan of "Blue Bloods" and Randall Pearson of "This Is Us." Both are good men who love their families. My family's first Sunday dinner with my wife, kids and grandkids reflects the Reagan family. Both of these men have characters of strength and hum

Website: Www.electphilipholland.com

Email: Phileh@bellsouth.net

Twitter: @electpholland

Facebook: electphilipholland

City Council Post 4

Name: Tim Dunn (i)



Name: Donna B. Jones

Name: Rey Martinez

Rey Martinez
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Age: 48

Residence: Tara

Profession: U.S. Navy retired

What experience will help you in office? Loganville Council Member 7 years

Vice-Mayor 2015-2016

Loganville Public Safety Chairman 2012-2017

Loganville Public Works Chairman 2011-2012

Board Member Georgia Equal Opportunity Commission 2015-present

Degree in education

What issue got you into this race? Public safety and transportation

Which current television character do you identify most with? Don't know. I don't watch much Television

Email: reyforloganville@bellsouth.net

Facebook: ReyMartinez2017

City Council (Vote for Three)

Name: Anne Coles

Anne Coles
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Age: 46

Residence: Birchwood Place

Profession: Entrepreneur / small business consultant

What experience will help you in office? As an entrepreneur and a small business consultant that helps business owners with their bookkeeping, I work with people from all backgrounds and varying income levels. I manage money well, have resources and experts in many professions that I can rely on for input as a council member, and I excel at unifying teams for a greater purpose. I am known for three things - being candid, credible and conscientious. My clients know that they will always get the truth from me, no matter how hard it might be to hear. I am trusted by my clients ... (edited for length)

What issue got you into this race? Business development in the City of Loganville. We don't have enough places for our residents and visitors to shop, work, and play. People drive through our city to get somewhere else. I want us to be a destination, not a drive through. I am an existing City of Loganville Commissioner so I am already working in the area of business development. I was also on the City of Loganville Urban Redevelopment Plan Committee, which was formed to advise the city on ideas to implement a better downtown area.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Judge Judy. I love how she calls it like it is and doesn't take any baloney off of anyone. She seems to be unaffected by political correctness and treats everyone fairly.

Website: www.annecoles.com

Email: anne@annecoles.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goannecoles/

Name: Danny Ford (i)

Danny Ford
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Age: 69

Residence: Lake Hodges Landing

Profession: Retired

What experience will help you in office? I have over 30 years managerial experience from Scientific-Atlanta and Lithonia Lighting. I feel this experience will help with the planned growth in keeping Loganville on track for QUALITY growth and expansion. I also have served as Lake Hodges Landing HOA President for five years and then I was appointed to the Loganville Planning Commission where I served as vice chairman.

What issue got you into this race? A proposal for apartments pushed me into politics when I was Lake Hodges Landing HOA president. I had, along with many residents, concerns over the impact on traffic. The project was eventually scrapped but my urge to serve the city was born. Serving on the planning commission provided me with a better understanding of how the city government works. I then ran unopposed for an unexpired term and began serving our great city.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Frank Reagan ("Blood Bloods"), a no nonsense type of guy.


Email: dford@loganville-ga.gov

Name: Mike Jones

Name: Lisa Newberry

Lisa Newberry
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Age: 50

Residence: Tara Club Estates

Profession: Senior account manager, corporate

What experience will help you in office? My work life experience includes years of leadership with day to day operations and financial responsibilities. My civic life includes five consecutive years volunteering for Loganville's city events and I am a member of the Loganville Historical Society. I also proudly serve on the Loganville Planning and Zoning Commission. This appointed position has taught me the municipal ways of the city. My work and civic experiences have prepared me to serve as a city councilwoman.

What issue got you into this race? I talk to many citizens every day who have the concerns of expensive water bills, taxes, traffic, growth, etc. These are all ongoing issues that I would like the opportunity to address. In addition, our city's safety is paramount. Our public safety needs the resources to keep our citizens safe, as well as the equipment to keep them safe.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Reba McEntire, the television show "Reba." Reba has a successful career in singing, but desired an acting role. She had the courage to follow her dream, go for it and succeed. She is a great example of wanting something bad enough and working hard to ma

Email: lisanewberry28@gmail.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisanewberry8

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.luffmannewberry

Name: Femi Oduwole



Name: Craig Newton

Craig Newton
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Age: 62

Residence: 380 Langford Drive, Norcross 30071

Profession: IT technical consultant

What experience will help you in office? As business manager for over 20-plus years with a local world leading high-tech, analytical laboratory instrument manufacturing company, I understand best business practices and will seek to bring a strong business ethic with me as the city's mayor. My belief is that our city should be run like a business with its citizens as its owner and shareholder all done with compassion and respect for its dedicated city employees.

What issue got you into this race? My focus in maintaining and improving our quality of life in Norcross includes .. 1. Increasing our economic viability through: protecting our downtown, expanding our city center, attracting high wage technically inclined businesses 2. Increased public safety: utilizing new technology and increased community policing efforts 3. Sustainability of our parks and natural resources: our historic character and small town charm are assets that other cities emulate. What we have must be preserved, maintained through continued strategic planning.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Though I seldom watch TV ( sports excluded ) , I prefer reading for entertainment and researching the latest news The closest answer I can give is Judge Mathis through his interaction with a myriad of personalities. My colleagues often remind me that, like him, I am firm but fair.

Website: www.Norcrossga.net

Email: cnewton395@gmail.com

Facebook: Craig Newton

Council Member (Hutcheson, Paul)

Name: Hoyt Hutcheson

Name: Chuck Paul

Council Member (Thompson, Watch)

Name: Thad Thompson

Thad Thompson
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Age: 26

Residence: Historic Norcross

Profession: Financial advisor

What experience will help you in office? I am blessed to have grown up in Norcross and have family history dating back to the early 1800s. This deep connection has given me an amazing outlook on what makes Norcross so amazing and what could make it even better. As a business owner that helps others reach financial success I look forward to helping maintain and forecast a balanced budget to ensure this community remains a PLACE TO IMAGINE for generations to come.

What issue got you into this race? Norcross has set out to attract more young families to our town. I feel called to serve as an ambassador to both the city and residents to make this a reality. It's important to have folks of all ages call Norcross home so that it will continue to be an amazing place to live for generations to come. This community has provided abundantly for my family and me and I look forward to giving back.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Alex Trebek, I love to meet new people everyday!

Website: thadfornorcross.com

Email: thad@thadfornorcross.com

Facebook: facebook.com/thadfornorcross

Name: Daniel Watch

Daniel Watch
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Age: 58

Residence: Norcross

Profession: Architect

What experience will help you in office? My master's degrees in architecture and city planning from the University of Pennsylvania will be beneficial to the community. As a global leader in laboratory design, I have authored four books, won six international design competitions, and was inducted as an American Institute of Architects Fellow. My work, which includes advocating for sustainability, writing, and lecturing at over 100 institutions, has educated thousands. I travel over 250,000 miles annually to work in developing countries.

What issue got you into this race? I would like the opportunity to improve the City of Norcross with a strong master plan. Our community of residents, public servants, business owners, and investors, will come together to create this plan. The process will include public meetings, student presentations, and brainstorming sessions, which will result in a three-dimensional, virtual computer model. Together, we can support thoughtful city planning by including successful initiatives of the past while giving better definition to our future.

Which current television character do you identify most with? I identify with Phil Dunphy from "Modern Family." Phil works very hard at his chosen profession, but always makes sure his family comes first. Just like Phil and his son, Luke, my youngest daughter, Lucie, and I have many humorous adventures.

Email: dan.watch@perkinswill.com

Twitter: @dwatch3

Facebook: Dan Watch for Norcross City Council

Special Elections


“Shall the City of Norcross exempt from ad valorem taxation, inventory of goods in the process of manufacture or production which shall include all partly finished goods and raw materials held for direct use or consumption in the ordinary course of the taxpayer’s manufacture or production business in the state of Georgia (the exemption provided for herein shall apply only to tangible personal property which is substantially modified, altered or changed in the ordinary course of the taxpayer’s manufacturing, processing or production operations in this state)?”


“Shall the City of Norcross exempt from ad valorem taxation inventory of finished goods manufactured or produced within the State of Georgia in the ordinary course of the taxpayer’s manufacturing or production business, when held by the original manufacturer or producer of such finished goods (the exemption provided for herein shall be for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months from the date such property is produced or manufactured)?”


“Shall the City of Norcross exempt from ad valorem taxation, inventory of finished goods which, on January 1, are stored in a warehouse, dock, or wharf, whether public or private, and which are destined for shipment to a final destination outside the State of Georgia and inventory of finished goods which are shipped into the State of Georgia from outside this state and stored for transshipment to a final destination outside this state (the exemption provided for herein shall be for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months from the date such property is stored in this state)?”


“Shall the City of Norcross exempt from ad valorem taxation, stock in trade of a fulfillment center which, on January 1, is stored in a fulfillment center and which is made available to remote purchasers who may make such purchases by electronic, internet, telephonic, or other remote means, and where such stock in trade of a fulfillment center will be shipped from the fulfillment center and delivered to the purchaser at a location other than the location of the fulfillment center (the exemption provided for in this paragraph shall be for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months from the date such property is stored in this state. Such period shall be determined based on application of a first-in, first-out method of accounting for the inventory)?”

Peachtree Corners 

City Council Post 2

Name: Eric Christ (i)

Eric Christ
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Age: 50

Residence: Neely Farm

Profession: Business executive

What experience will help you in office? I've been a homeowner in Peachtree Corners since 1998, along with my wife of 23 years and our two daughters. I moved to Atlanta in 1991 to attend Emory Business School where I was a Woodruff Fellow and received an MBA. I also have bachelors degree in business from Georgetown University. Since graduating from Emory, I've worked as a senior manager at five technology firms, including McKesson Corporation in Alpharetta, and am currently the president of privately-held health care software firm in Sandy Springs. I served as vice chairman of the Peachtree Corners Zoning Board of Appeals for four years.

What issue got you into this race? I was elected to the PTC City Council in 2016 to fill an open seat representing District 2. I'm running for re-election because public service is a way for me to give back to a community that has given me and my wife such a wonderful environment in which to work and raise a family. I've enjoyed my time on the City Council and look forward to serving the residents of District 2 for another four years. I support a conservative budgeting and appropriations process that keeps expenses below revenue and supports our low property tax. (edited for length)]

Which current television character do you identify most with? Running a software company, serving on City Council, being part of the Leadership Atlanta Class of 2018, and keeping up with a busy family leaves little time for television.

Website: www.votechrist.org

Email: votechrist@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/votechrist

City Council Post 4

Name: Jeanne Aulbach (i)

Jeanne Aulbach
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Age: 66

Residence: Avocet

Profession: BI developer

What experience will help you in office? I have served on Peachtree Corners City Council for five years, since we first became a city. Prior to that, I served on Peachtree Corners Yes, to promote cityhood. I participated in the Georgia Municipal Association's (GMA) training program and obtained a Certificate of Achievement which requires 72 hours of training, including at least 36 hours from the required list and the Newly Elected Officials Institute.I am also is a graduate of Leadership Gwinnett, Class of 2017. This is a nine-month program focusing on Gwinnet County services issues. It enhances relationships with county officials.

What issue got you into this race? I have served on City Council since the city incorporated in 2012, and on Peachtree Corners Yes prior to that to advocate for cityhood. While we have made a lot of progress, there still is much work to do. I want to continue to work to ensure the success of my city.

Which current television character do you identify most with? I really do not watch enough TV to answer this question.

Website: jeanne4peachtreecorners.com

Email: jeanne4peachtreecorners@gmail.com

Facebook: Jeanne For Peachtree Corners

Name: Luke Crawford

Luke Crawford
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Age: 24

Residence: River Station

Profession: Marketing

What experience will help you in office? While in college, I started a marketing/media company that has taught me a great deal about both marketing and business, these are both valuable skills that would prove beneficial in a City Council position. In addition, I bring young blood to the PTC City Council. As a millennial, I will work hard to attract more millennials to Peachtree Corners as they are the future.

What issue got you into this race? The main issues that got me into the race were the desire for efficient use of tax dollars, my interest in improving the flow of traffic, my passion for stopping sex trafficking in Peachtree Corners and last but not least my strong belief in a limited and small government.

Which current television character do you identify most with? I rarely watch TV, but if we were to pick a movie I would choose Benjamin Martin from "The Patriot" as he is fearlessly dedicated to the well-being of not only his family, but his country. That kind of perseverance is inspirational.

Website: www.electcrawford.com

Email: luke@electcrawford.com

Twitter: @luke_a_crawford

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/electcrawford/

Name: Joseph Sawyer

Joseph Sawyer
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Age: 52

Residence: Meadow Green

Profession: V.P Alpha&Omega Carpet Cleaning

What experience will help you in office? Business owner , co-founder Bridges Peachtree Corners, Army veteran, pastor, and more

What issue got you into this race? I Want to make sure that "All People in Peachtree Corners are Represented"

Which current television character do you identify most with? Kiefer Sutherland in "Designated Survivor"

Website: www.CitizenJoeSawyer.com

Email: citizenjoesawyer@gmail.com

Twitter: @CitizenJoe_PTC

Facebook: citizenjoesawyer

City Council Post 6

Name: Weare Gratwick (i)

Sugar Hill 


Name: Steve Edwards (i)

Steve Edwards
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Age: 53

Residence: Secret Cove

Profession: Sales

What experience will help you in office? Been elected since 2003, master's in public administration, unopposed

What issue got you into this race? Continue our vision to build a downtown

Which current television character do you identify most with? Hawkeye from MASH

City Council Post 4

Name: Curtis Northrup (i)

City Council Post 5

Name: Taylor B. Anderson

Taylor Anderson
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Age: 41

Residence: Wild Timber

Profession: Civil engineer, small business owner

What experience will help you in office? I've served in several leadership positions through the years both in Sugar Hill and Gwinnett County. I currently serve as chairman of Sugar Hill's Downtown Development Authority. The DDA in partnership with the city is working to bring hundreds of millions of dollars in investment into downtown. I also serve as chair - Goal 3 for Partnership Gwinnett and chairman of Gwinnett's Development Advisory Committee. I'm owner of Blue Landworks, a civil engineering and land surveying company.

What issue got you into this race? Leadership. Our city is growing quickly and the development happening in downtown will be a transformational period for our city. Our city is at a point in its life where the city's growth will benefit from someone with experience in infrastructure, economic development and making strategic decisions as a business owner.

Which current television character do you identify most with? I don't watch much television and from what I've seen, there aren't many aspirational leaders in current television. The character I most identify with would be Captain Jean-Luc Picard from "Star Trek: The Next Generation."

Website: tayloranderson.com

Email: ta@tayloranderson.com

Twitter: twitter.com/tayloranderson

Facebook: facebook.com/TaylorforSugarHill

Name: Joshua Mantz


City Council Post 3

Name: Linnea Miller (i)

Linnea Miller
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Age: 41

Residence: Ruby Forest

Profession: Education

What experience will help you in office? I've lived in Suwanee for almost 20 years. During that time, my participation in leadership roles on behalf on the city, programs of the Gwinnett Chamber, and the North Gwinnett Schools Association, as well other community-centric entities and organizations, has provided me with real-life experience in developing and fostering the key insights and relationships that are necessary to accomplish the things that contribute to creating and maintaining a thriving, healthy, inclusive community.

What issue got you into this race? I am passionate about creating a healthy community where our citizens, visitors and businesses can thrive. In my role as councilwoman, I have dedicated myself to making sure our community is safe, fiscally responsible, intentionally planned and culturally engaging.

Which current television character do you identify most with? I don't watch TV very often, but if I did, I might identify with Oprah's passion for wholehearted living. She celebrates good things happening in the world, and the people doing them. She provides tools to help people become a better version of themselves.

Email: linnea@forsuwanee.com

Facebook: Linnea Miller For Suwanee

Name: Paquita V. Wright

Paquita Wright
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Age: 44

Residence: Suwanee

Profession: HR and real estate investor

What experience will help you in office? Residential and commercial real estate, development and contract negotiations, for-profit and nonprofit entities, strong ties to the education community, business owner, great wife and outstanding mother. I am uniquely talented to find win-win opportunities for our community business owners, employment base, parents and our aspiring children.

What issue got you into this race? Land use issues and wanting Suwanee to continue to thrive and be a place to enjoy raising our families. Embracing our senior community and changing demographics while halting high density housing projects.

Which current television character do you identify most with? This was a hard question but I see myself 50/50 Mellie Grant and Rainbow Johnson. Both have a high drive for success, embrace their strength as women and they are so passionate about everything they touch. But, no matter what, family first.

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paquitamorrissphr/

Email: pwright4council@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pwright4council/

City Council Post 4

Name: Joe Briggs

Joe Briggs
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Age: 59

Residence: Barrington Estates

Profession: Engineer

What experience will help you in office? Former school board, Manchester NH. Taxpayer, parent, engineer. I can do the math to determine when development proposals are tax-negative.

What issue got you into this race? Excessive, rapid, high-density residential development threatens to change the rural character and quality of life and property values in Suwanee. Developers have taken it too far creating traffic and crowded schools. We want Suwanee; not Rosswell.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Tucker Carlson.

Email: jbriggsnh@gmail.com

Facebook: @joebriggssuwanee

Name: Beth Hilscher (i)

Beth Hilscher
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Age: 47

Residence: Westbrook Road

Profession: Attorney

What experience will help you in office? I've lived in Suwanee for 19 years -- long before it became known as one of the best places in the nation to live and raise a family. I understand the importance of managing positive growth and providing excellent services, while remaining fiscally prudent. Because I am actively engaged and operate my practice in the heart of downtown Suwanee, I work and serve with my neighbors, which provides valuable insights to the community's desires and expectations.

What issue got you into this race? I am proud of Suwanee's accomplishments and wish to continue to ensure that Suwanee remains a wonderful place to live and work. Suwanee already wins awards for its excellence in management and planning, its vibrant events, its transparent budgeting, and its well-trained police force, all while maintaining a Triple A bond rating. I wish to continue to work with a team that leads in governing with innovation, smart progress, and ethical community engagement.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Perhaps ironically, I enjoy watching the development of the character "Beth" on "This is Us". She is a strong, professional woman who is steadfast in her love and commitment to family. She demonstrates a compassion for people -- even when messy, and leads.

Email: votebethhilscher@gmail.com

Facebook: Beth Hilscher for Suwanee City Council

City Council Post 5

Name: Dan Foster (i)

Dan Foster
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Age: 54

Residence: Forest Plantation/Stone Ridge

Profession: Verizon architect

What experience will help you in office? Served 12 years as council member, one year on P&Z board, five yrs on ZBA

What issue got you into this race? Would like to continue to serve my community.

Which current television character do you identify most with? Ronald Regan

Website: Fb.me/danfostersuwanee

Email: fost1dan@gmail.com

Twitter: Fost1dan

Facebook: Danfostersuwanee

Name: John S. Kantor

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