Atlanta Public Schools will soon accept applications for student transfers for the 2017-2018 school year.

Parents may submit a list of three preferred schools for transfer consideration from March 4 until March 24. Transfers are granted based on a lottery and are not first-come-first-served.

How do I apply for my child to transfer schools?

Parents may apply online through a link that will be posted on the APS homepage or in person at the APS District Office in the Department of Student Assignment located on the 2nd floor. The APS District Office is located at 130 Trinity Ave SW in Atlanta.

What do I need to submit with an application?

Those applying in person must bring photo identification and proof of residency. APS recommends bringing the first and last page of a signed lease or mortgage and your most recent Georgia power bill.

When will Atlanta Public Schools notify me about my application?

Parents will find out if their transfer requests are granted by July 15. If their children transfer, parents are responsible for transportation costs.