A wildfire ignited by a lightning bolt has burned through more than 100,000 acres at the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, and it's far from out. Firefighters from across the country have responded and will likely be there for months.
Mark Davis, a public affairs specialist for the US Fish and Wildlife Service's Southeast Region, is just back from the site and shared images and observations with us.
So far there have been no losses of private homes or buildings, and fire plays a role in the swamp’s ongoing health, clearing the way for new growth, he said.
Critters who call the Okefenokee home aren’t imperiled by the blaze, he added. The swamp’s periodically caught fire since it’s been a swamp; alligators know to crawl into the water and birds fly away when it happens.
Humans, on the other hand, are taking the fight to the fire.
Here’s a look at where things stand at the moment:
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