When you make a living coaching others about eating, what kind of dinner do you eat yourself? These Atlanta-based dietitians answered that question:

Margaret Schwenke

CEPC and CHHC, Margaret Schwenke in Atlanta

Schwenke helps clients cope with emotional eating and coaches weight-loss, willpower and mindfulness techniques.

"I am a huge proponent of eating whole food and I feel best when I'm eating lean protein with tons of veggies and a good dose of healthy fats," she said. "I find that this combination gives me the clean energy I need and keeps me feeling full and satiated."

One core dinnertime food Schwenke likes: avocados. "I believe avocados are quite possibly the greatest food known to man," she said. "I love to blacken wild caught salmon and serve that alongside spaghetti squash with ghee and steamed broccoli with olive oil or avocado."

This past week, Schwenke was on a turkey burger kick and found herself in a bit of a rush in the evenings. "So I used large leaf lettuce as a wrap and layered on the turkey burger, guacamole, red onion and sprouts," she said. "Delicious!"

Nicole German Morgan

 RDN, LD and CLT, Nicole's Nutrition in Buckhead 

Morgan specializes in thyriod nutrition and weight management. Her "go-to" dinner is a salmon burger made of wild Alaskan salmon, a quick leafy green salad or broccoli and a sweet potato.

"The meal is packed with vitamins and minerals," she said. "It is also well balanced between proteins, healthy carbohydrates and Omega-3 fats. So I can feel good about eating it."

The food preparation is also quick and easy. "The best part is that it can be done in about 10 minutes," Morgan said.

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Credit: Terry Dickson/ The Brunswick News