Are you ready to make your mark on Atlanta's film and TV industry? Are you the next Tyler Perry? ATL is in need of young stars. Check out the Peach City's latest casting call for your chance at fame.
»'The Front Runner'
The movie tells the story of Sen. Gary Hart's 1988 presidential campaign, which was derailed when he was caught in a scandalous affair. Hugh Jackson stars, and the film will be directed by Jason Reitman ("Juno").
What are they looking for?
Men and women, of any ethnicity, with real news crew experience – using larger film cameras, sound equipment, lighting, working as a news anchor, etc. – are needed to portray cameramen, soundmen and reporters. You should be age 30 and up and have '80s hair – men with longer hair and women with shorter hair.
When are they filming?
Filming is tentatively scheduled in and around Atlanta on the following dates: Sept. 18-19, 22, 26-28, Oct. 2-5, Oct. 9, Oct. 11, Oct. 16, Oct. 18 and Oct. 23. You won't work on all of these dates, but include which dates you're available in your submission.
How much does it pay?
Pay is $68 for eight hours.
How do I submit?
Send an e-mail to ExtrasCastingTM@gmail with the "NEWS EXPERIENCE" in the subject line and include the filming dates you're available to work. Include your legal name, phone number, email address, age, height, weight, sizes (top, pants and shoe) and city location. Also state whether you have any tattoos, and if so, list their location and description.
In addition, submit three current photos of yourself (well lit, in focus and no filters with preferably a plain background). One should be face forward (front), one medium length and one full length/full body.
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